
Vom Job im Steuerbüro zur Kleinen Milchmanufaktur

Vom Job im Steuerbüro zur Kleinen Milchmanufaktur

Die Milch war yes eh schon da.” The war that was the most special Voraussetzung, brought 26-year-old Vera Weber dazu, his own Milchmanufaktur on the Bauernhof ihrer Family in an ihrem idyllic Heimatdorf Lautern, approximately 70 Kilometer from Stuttgart entfernt, zu eröffnen . If the war is an interesting director, the war is never incomprehensible, but the man is connected to the Court. So study immediately after studying from October 2015 to September 2018 in Stuttgart, dual Steuer- and Prüfungswesen and arbitration anschließend in a Steuerbüro. “The work in the office is very hard, it seems that now we are in the office, and it is a human being living in nature, who is putting in the effort to do the work. This is why the war is clear, the fact that it is not the case that many machines are used.” The house would during his lifetime on an article a fortbildung zum Fachagrarwirt for handicraft mild work and so that two years after Wangen in Allgäu.

It couldn’t be otherwise

For the last three years, Vera has been presenting Käse, Joghurt and Fischkäse in the various variants from the Milch of 140 Kühe and 48 Ziegen, die on the Hof, in their small Käserei in Keller her. Je nach Saison is de Kase met Kräutern vershen, zum Beispiel met Bärlauch, und in this month the power for all raclette-kase. In the summer during the Eis der Dorfbäckerei I recovered a part from his Kuhmilch. “Tatsächlich man again an Ausbildung nor a debt burden, a more independent Käser zu become”, states Vera zu ihrem Erstaunen immer wieder während ihrer Arbeit fest. If nothing else, the hygiene, level and quantity may be even greater. With products available for purchase, you can sell them in the garden and on the market in circulation, or in Lautern in one of the many garden centers or on the zahlreichen Dorffesten. In the Zukunft you will be able to buy in your own Hofladen, der neben de nicht gebauten Ziegenstall kommen soll, geauso wie een richtige grote Käserei.

Unterstützt by Mama Uschi

Hilfe ended up working as a Minijobber for three months. One of the best products, aim and place the Verkaufswagen, the label or the kümmert is one of the bestellungen. Besides the production of the products and the production of the products are taken into account in this regard. Zusätzlich was found by his friend Mario and his mother Uschi, who was mainly near the Stallarbeit. A natural hat itself is the best choice. “That Arbeit can be a man who strengthens his strength, for all fathers, that man is a woman who is not free,” Vera believed. You are proud to be fully energized in your dreckige stables. First what it is like to see my mother withdrawing, the man in the background growing taller. “Seeing the ghost is a matter of time, even if you are still being milked,” she said with my blond hair. Schließlich ist ihr Ziel, in a year 60,000 Liters Ziegen- and 100,000 Liters Kuhmilch zu purchase. Vera was working hard in a week with 400 liters of Ziegen and 1000 liters of Kuhmilch, which became a complete purchase during the Anschluss.

Nature connections and physical well-being

The entrecends and the wasting of seeing are so heavy, we will have a more stable Herde. Die Tiere is a bit on one of the four Hektar Großen Wiese, direkt neben dem Hof, der typical nach Bauernhof and Stall right. Once he was interested, the man had come all out of the milking machine, nurch de Zugabe von Kultur und Lab, abhängig von Menge und Temperatur. The natural Hilfsmittel Lab and the Käsekultur ensure that the Milch gerinnt and anschließend säuert, which are files of recovery processes. The wide range of self-help is for you, the man is flexible, the soft drink is not even once in the Monat Büroarbeit machen muss. “Am meisten an meiner Arbeit my aber trotzdem, that man is bound by nature, is sich körperlich betätigt, that labor with the soul, that tollen Tiere, that light zu halten since, that power mir ainfach Spaß”, answers Vera with a Strahlen in het Gesicht.