
Wertpaper Profil WKN ISIN graph Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Wertpaper Profil WKN ISIN graph Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

After the Siemens Action (ISIN: DE0007236101) after 13.5.24 from 188.88 Euro to 5.8.24 after 151 Euro, the next day it will be available. When purchasing, the promotion is listed for 181.40 Euro.

Ways of the correct assessment of the Action calculation Experts will use the trotz-teilweise reduzierter Kursziele ihre Kaufempfehlungand for the Siemens Promotion. If the company can start in the following week in the period from May 2024 to 188.88 euros, then there is an investment in long-term products.

Call options with Strike from 185 Euro

The UBS-Call-Optionsschein on the Siemens-Aktie with Basic price 185 Euro, Bewertungstag 20.12.24, BV 0.1, ISIN: CH1259654643, was traded at Siemens-Aktienkurs of 181.40 Euro by 0.78 – 0.79 Euro .

If the inner trade can pay a price of 188.88 Euro within a short period of two weeks, the price for calls on a 1.10 Euro (+39 Prozent) jetty will be paid.

Open End Turbo-Call with basic price and KO market for 175,143 Euro

Der Morgan Stanley-Open End Turbo-Call on the Siemens promotion with basic price and KO-Marke for 175.143 Euro, BV 0.1, ISIN: DE000MJ20407, wurde for Siemens-Kurs from 181.40 Euro with 0.69 – 0, 70 Euro taxi.

If the Siemens promotion is at 188.88 euros in the next period, then the inner value of Turbo-Calls will be 1.37 euros (+96 percent) higher – if the Siemens promotion is no longer on the KO market or other state Darunter fell.

Open End Turbo-Call with basic price and KO market from 170.74 Euro

The BNP Paribas Open End Turbo Call at the Siemens Promotion with Basic Price and KO Mark for 170.74 Euro, BV 0.1, ISIN: DE000PG8QFR6, was for Siemens Kurs from 181.40 Euro with 1.16 – 1.17 Euro quotient.

When purchasing a Siemens promotion at 188.88 Euro, the inner value of Turbo-Calls is found for 1.81 Euro (+55 Prozent).

Dieser Beitrag stellt keinerlei Empfehlung zum Kauf or Verkauf van Siemens-Aktien or Hebelproducten op Siemens-Aktien dar. No Haftung übernommen is possible for the direction of the data.

Walter Kozubek