
The Job and Ausbildungsmesse Euskirchen locks with career opportunities, informative Vorträgen, Bewerbungsmappencheck and Photoshooting – Kreis Euskirchen

The Job and Ausbildungsmesse Euskirchen locks with career opportunities, informative Vorträgen, Bewerbungsmappencheck and Photoshooting – Kreis Euskirchen

The installation of the Vortrag’s Rahmen programs “The perfect conversational conversation” von Marco Berndt, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der berndt medien GmbHThe Job Fair Euskirchen is fun in cooperation with the “WochenSpiegel” and the “Blickpunkt am Sonntag” version.
“Bewerbungsgespräche since the Schlüsselkomponente bei der Jobsuche and können de Unterschied swiss een erolgreichen and erolglosen Bewerbung ausmachen”, is Marco Berndt überzeugt. ALS referent in Der Marien-Hospital-Lounge Verrät er in Seinem Vortrag AB 10.30 Uhr Wertvolle Tipps und Tricks, met de man als Bewerber Im Vorstellungspräch Von Dersten Minute MinuNe Mitbeber Ewerberfeld Verschaff.
“The first question has been asked and the answer lies in the final decision. Who can ensure optimal benefit?” If this Frage by Marco Berndt is a vermittelt in writting grundlegende techniques and strategies, with the tasks performed in his work, the chances of a very great attention are increased.

Sandra Garvens “be you”
“Sei Dir Deiner Wirkung bewusst. Gekonntes Einsetzen von Farben und Kleidung!” Lautet der Titel van de Vortrags von Typ- und Imageberaterin Sandra Garvens bij der Job – und Ausbildungsmesse Euskirchen. “Wie möchten Sie auf Ihr Gegenüber?”, Fragment Sandra Garvens of “be you”. See more than 10 years of work in typing and image editing. “I said I was aware of the targeted Farben and Schnittführungen at Ihrem Gegenüber and who at the first glance could optically überzeugen and punkten, if you knew them, for the first end result is small chance. Since Ihre Visitenkarte, überzeugen Sie with einer positiven Ausstrahlung”, explains Sandra Garvens.

Eva Hüttges (Gesundheit.Energie.Lebensfreude)
Eva Hüttges is one of the referees of the Jobmesse Euskirchen. Der Titel ihres Vortrags lautet: “You and your motivation live your life – That is what you have done with your Führungskraft”. Darin gibt Hüttges, who works as a Coach and Wegweiser, Antworten with the following fragments: “Geld (Gehalt) ist Mittel zum Zweck, but was belohnt Sie wirklich? Wobei tanken Sie auf und womit verausgaben Sie sich? Weshalb Geraten Sie in die immer gleichen Conflict? Why was this a problem and not a reason?” Give up your money in the Vortrag eine Reihe von Praxisbeispielen. “People who live in their personal motivation are undisturbed, therefore demotivating, light.” sits Eva Hüttges Steven Reiss. “The knowledge of one’s own life motivation is a source of a hereditary lifestyle. If you are aware of the fact that your advocacy is allowed, the right Arbeitsplatz is properly financed. The instrument can be a powerful tool for motivation. I can go freely ch on an interesting environment and on zahlreiche Fragen zu Reiss Profilen”, erklärt Hüttges.

Michael Gissinger (Geschäftsführer Spine Base GmbH)
The Marien Hospital Euskirchen is not a Premium Partner of the Job and Ausbildungsmesse, but is self-confident with a Vortrag in the Marien Hospital Lounge areas.
The theme of the Vortrages is called “MHE – Bewegung in die Zukunft”. At the end of June 2023, the start of the project started with the team of the Zentralen-notaufnahme of the Marien-Hospitals Euskirchen in collaboration with the personal development that led the experts of “Spine Base” in his life. As a German country there is a sick person with the Central Intelligence Agency in Euskirchen das Konzept, well they are prepared in the Rettungsdienst and the Fire Department bewährt hat, durchlaufen. Mittlerweile is working on the project at the maritime hospital at the Bereiche Intensive Station, Stroke Unit and Transport Service.
A biomechanical Messing System visualizes the workload in Echtzeit and the unmittelbar on the Arbeitsplatz. Higher movement structures, dynamic structures as well as structural elements are hereby enhanced and graphically animated for your body region. Subsequently, these teams can provide video analysis.
The identification of your generated parameters is light in the hospital, a treatment and a treatment after carrying out workwissenschaftlichen and biomechanical critiques according to DIN ISO. The risks of risks became as large and useful as possible in other projects, where a preventive work process and ergonomic design of the work were carried out – a more likely result, but a larger process.
About the Project Wird Michael Gissinger (Geschäftsführer Spine Base GmbH) at 2 p.m. on the Jobmesse messages.

Sigrid Müller and Tanja Dreesen, agent for Arbeit Brühl
“Bewerbungsstrategien – Stellensuche aber wie?” ist Titel van de Vortrag, de Sigrid Müller und Tanja Dreesen von der Agentur für Arbeit Brühl um 15 Uhr halten wird. Im Rahmen een Bewerbungsprozesses set sich vale Fragen: Welche Stelle ist die richtige für mich? Was there a couple and did I find the actual couples? Was it the case with ‘Vitamin B’ that it was not necessary at all, but the stelangebote was perhaps expanded? What is the social media and career report? These fragments became Sigrid Müller and Tanja Dreesen in their previous lives.

Holger Knapp, Bewerbungs- en Karrierecoaching
Diplom-Kaufmann Holger Knapp went to the job fair because of his interest in his business activities. For individual guidance and career coaching, your long-term guidance is provided on a personal level. There is a lot of fun, at the “Job- und Ausbildungsmesse Euskirchen” which are suitable for the new job of my machine. An answer form is what we follow: “My results and individual coaching and coaching allow me to work and orient in the middle point. Provide a strong online experience, using the modern technology analyzed and optimized by Lebenslä ufen By default it is not possible to improve the technology, but it is not the case that a person or a person can be different and beware of the new job! More information about Holger Knapp at:

Bewerbungsfotoshooting with photo Omar Khaled
The Rahmen program of the Jobmesse is one of the best ways to take photos. Diesen Part übernimmt Photographer Omar Khaled, Gründer der Cybershot Studios in Euskirchen. “A photo studio is a professional photographer who creates special art,” says Khaled. “Thank you that this is one of our unanswered photos. If the photos are separated from the most common photos, a review deserves a positive result, and woolen certainty, that is the best way to view this page”. says Omar Khaled. Photo shooting is possible on the Jobmesse boats.

All information about the Messe:

Overview of the Rahmen program:

10.30 am to 11 am: »Das perfekte Bewerbungsgespräch« – Marco Berndt, berndt medien GmbH

11 a.m. to 12 p.m.: »Sei Dir Deiner Wirkung bewusst. Gekonntes Einsetzen von Farben und Kleidung!« – Sandra Garvens, be you Typing and Imageberatung

12 noon to 1 p.m.: »Due and your motivation for living – That is what you will gain from your Führungskraft« – Eva Hüttges

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM: »Ausstellerstunde«

2 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: »Marien-Hospital Euskirchen (MHE) – Movement in the Zukunft« – Michael Gissinger, Geschäftsführer Spine Base

3 to 4 p.m.: »Bewerbungsstrategien – Stellensuche aber wie?«: Sigrid Müller and Tanja Dreesen, Federal Agency for Arbeit Brühl

Ganztägig: »Bewerbungs- en Careercoaching« – Diplom-Kaufmann Holger Knapp

Ganztägig: »Bewerbungsfoto-Shooting« – Omar Khaled, Cybershot-Studios Euskirchen
Program playback is possible.