
It is a strong Start-ups Deutschlands

It is a strong Start-ups Deutschlands

The classic Marken ranking is one of the most popular, which can last more years or years on the market. Start-ups come here for their kurz. Damit was allowed to introduce Jung von Matt Start and Appinio. From 2021, both agents will bring together the Start-up Ranking and show the Wahrnehmung of young Marken.

Neu ist in those years, that is the top of the start-ups that will become the top of the Rising Stars. Other companies are the first rankings in the individual categories E-commerce, food, health, care, travel, finance and insurance and mobility. Die Ergebnisse der Studie is based on 8000 Interviews with Consumers.

KoRo performs the Ranking and

All marks are displayed in the rankings and differing brand figures: Bekanntheit, Identification, Sympathy, Vertrauen, Word-of-mouth, Nachhaltigkeit, Innovation, Einzigartigkeit and Relevance. The Start-ups Ranking for the Nahrungsmittelhersteller KoRo an.

On the Platz zwei en drei follow Lieferando and Gustavo Gusto. Information about the Ranking of Online Ranking Dr. Sam on Platz eight, Recup on Platz new and dem Solaranlagenhersteller Zolar on Platz zehn.

(© Jung von Matt Research)

With the Top 10 Rising Stars, Jung ranks Matt Start and Appinio in those few years on the Marche, who will become the most likely newcomer of a year long. Here you will find a Lebensmittelhersteller of the ranking and: Greenforce. On the Zweiten Platz the Stromanbieter 1Komma5° follows, closely followed by Hautpflegehersteller Formel+Skin. Place four and have fun among the Rising Stars, the Haferdrinkhersteller BlueFarm and the Energieberater Enter. Die Marke Everdrop schließt das Ranking mit Platz zehn ab.

Rankings in individual categories

The ranking of start-ups and the rising stars will quickly find a job, which has found a place in Germany for their entire year. This cannot be done in the different categories. In the E-Commerce category, Holzrichter has the highest score. In the Food category you will find Greenforce. Das Health-Ranking führt Dr. Sam an. Under the Marken mit Focus on Körper- oder Haushaltspflege lies No Cosmetics throughout. In the category Travel führt home to go das Ranking and in Bereich Finance & Insurance Taxfix invests on the first Platz. Beneath the Marken with Focus on Mobility that forms the Ridepooling-Unternehmen Moia de Nase.

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Inga-Maria Glahn

Inga-Maria Glahn

(image, Jahrgang 2000) has been a working student in the Redaktion der absatzwirtschaft since November 2022. She is studying in Bochum and will now study at the Sozialwissenschaftsstudiums in Düsseldorf. There is no description of abstract art that is one of the leading themes, as the undiscovered themes swell and darüber zu schreiben.