
Antonio Marzia is Executive Vice President and General Manager of Topcon Agriculture

Antonio Marzia is Executive Vice President and General Manager of Topcon Agriculture

Topcon Positioning Systems has gained the experience of Antonio Marzia as Executive Vice President and General Manager of Topcon Agriculture. Marzia follows the example of Albert Zahalka and is one of the reusable Karriere in the Unternehmen in the Ruhestand-verabschiedet. In a new Rolle post, Marzia directed Ivan Di Federico, President and CEO of Topcon Positioning Systems.

This press conference has provided a multimedia inhalation. The full Mitteilung can be found here:

Antonio Marzia (Photo: Business Wire)

Antonio Marzia (Photo: Business Wire)

Antonio Marzia was appointed Vice President, Business Solutions at Topcon in 2018. In the fishing industry, as Vice President and General Manager EMEA/APAC, Rolle waged war for more technology operations with OEMs responsible.

“I am very proud of my work with Topcon Agriculture in my field of business practices so that I can continue working on it,” Marzia explains. “The potential for growth is enormous, and when it comes to expanding the economy, Topcon will be a partner of a company in that dynamic environment. It may be that rapid innovation is an effective and effective way to work with the OEMs also with the agricultural businesses to work nl, Landwirten If you want to help, your rental and rental company is a technology that can best assess the sale of your portfolio and that can be combined with the technology developed with most brands and landscape agreements bleiben damit flexible in de Auswahl ihrer Ausrüstung, gleichzeitig erhalten sie Gang zu new Präzisionstechnologien.”

Based on the heritage history of Topcon, Marzia brings an extensive branch heritage in her new position. After the Abschluss in Elektronik and Automationstechnik from the Polytechnic University of Turin, the Laufbahn started in the air and transport industry. Other wars are as Vice President Purchasing for the Einkauf and the responsibility of Vice President Tractor Products, an initiative for the market development of the first CNH Tractors with stufenlosem Getriebe (CVT), the wasserstoffbetriebenen Elektrotraktor NH2 and the new production of Utility Tractors. Nach seiner Tätigkeit as Vice President Marketing for the Marke New Holland in Europe wechselte is at CNH Industrial as Vice President of the Geschäftsbereiche Precision Solutions Telematics, who is the new Architektur of the Präzisionsprodukte, the Autonomy Program that supports the Entwicklung of Connected Services with the Implementation of Service Delivery includes Platform and data analysis services leitete.

“Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Antonio die Leitung unseres Bereichs Agriculture übernommen hat”, comments by Ivan Di Frederico. “Thanks to the enormous experience in the business sector, in the telematics and in the market development of the product platform, there is a perfect result, innovation and research in the top agricultural sector. This strategic vision and the continued development of 30 years in the industry have been achieved. ideals Führungskraft, um Topcon Agriculture in that Zukunft zu führen.”

More information about Topcon Agriculture can be found at

Topcon positioning systems

Topcon Positioning Systems develops, produces and distributes solutions for messaging and labor awards for the world brands in the Bauwesen, Vermessungsindustrie and Landwirtschaft. Location of the Firmenzentrale ist das Kalifornische Livermore, USA. (, LinkedIn, X (früherTwitter), Facebook, Instagram). The European Zentrale has its origins in the Lower Lands of Zoetermeer. The 1932 founded Topcon Corporation ( was traded at one of the Börse in Tokyo (7732). Topcon Agriculture: (LinkedIn, X (from Twitter), Facebook, Instagram)


Pressure contact:
Staci Fitzgerald

Topcon positioning systems

[email protected]
+1 925-245-8610