
Extremismus – Nach Solingen: Taskforce des BMI against Islamismus startet – Panorama

Extremismus – Nach Solingen: Taskforce des BMI against Islamismus startet – Panorama

Berlin (dpa) – The Federal Ministry of Justice (BMI) has set up a new team for Islamism. The Islamism Prevention Taskforce has given its opinion on the BMI. The Gründung of the Task Force Warfare of the Security Packs, the Ampel Coalition after the great Anschlag in Solingen decided hatte.

When the Anschlag an Angreifer is on August 23, a city festival begins with a Messer and eight other verletzt. The Terror Group Islamic State has made the Anschlag for its advertising.

Faeser: Stop radikalisierung früher

The new Taskforce will focus its efforts on the radicalization of young people on the internet. On video platforms with Tiktok, Islamic and Salafist propaganda is increasing, thus the BMI. Islamists and Salafists miss social media, a young and failed note of their ideology about their ideas.

“When we are young, the net and the chat will be radical,” said Foreign Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) in her midst. It is good that this radicalization procedure is recognized and stopped. “It is important that you find the Security Behörden in the Zivilgesellschaft and the Forschung an den Tisch caves,” says Faeser.

Interdisziplinäres team

The von der Gruppe has erected maßnahmen und Empfehlungen in de Präventionsarbeit other Akteure einfließen. The leadership of the Federal Ministries will achieve their goals without any knowledge of the matter.

Zum Kernteam hören Wissenschaftler, Mitglieder zvilgesellschaftlicher Initiativen gegen Islamismus as well as Mitarbeiter from the Landescriminalamt and the Federal Office for Migration and Immigration (Bamf). Beim Bamf is prepared for the Beratungsstelle Extremismus angesiedel, which has existed and continues to exist since 2012, radical human zurückzugewinnen

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