
From October to April – Heizsaison starts: Bei kalter Wohnung Mietminderung möglich – Wirtschaft

From October to April – Heizsaison starts: Bei kalter Wohnung Mietminderung möglich – Wirtschaft

Bonn (dpa/tmn) – Frieren Sie noch oder heizen Sie schon? Am 1. October beginning in der Regel die Heizsaison, die till 30. April andauert. The legal consequences are that this is not the case, which is also the result of legal proceedings, the part of the Verbraucherschutzverband Wohnen im Eigentum (WiE) mit. At that time, the increase and the house operation is mandatory, the care of the health care system, damit Mieter and living areas have the least possible temperatures in living areas.

So make sure that the verbraucherinnen and verbrauchers reach a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees Celsius in your home. In the night between 0 and 6 hours since WiE follows 18 degrees Celsius. During this time, the life cycle of the mortgage can be terminated, an energy that you can save.

Arrangements are possible without any problems

If the generated temperature is not correct, it will be in the wringer that your vermieter reports sollten. This is the way the mangle attracts attention and restarts the functionality of the heizung. If it is your passion, you have some rights that you consider less important.

Transfers: In the community organization of a home or part of the economy, a grundsätzlich another era for the heiz period can be used. That duration can take a very long time, but the kürzer from October to April is so WiE. Zudem gelte: Auch außerhalb der Heizperiod muss die Heizung in Betrieb were geommen, the Außentemperatur drei Tage falls in Folge under 12 Grad Celsius liegt (Amtsgericht Köln, Az. 220 C 152/07).

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