
Trump-Ladies with clearer Lanz-Kritik: “Was für eine dämliche Unterhaltung!”

Trump-Ladies with clearer Lanz-Kritik: “Was für eine dämliche Unterhaltung!”

The time when Markus Lanz would first appear with “Lanz bought!” and then as a guest of “Wetten, dass ..?” on the illuminated boulevard and show TV would last a long time.

Weil Lanz dies from the last generation of a Thomas Gottschalks who is under the stets of the Streber-rüberkam, der ben liebsten alle Wetten eigenwon wolllte, beendete das ZDF schließlich 2014, das unwürdige Dahinsiechen der veldleicht letzten großen Samstagabend-Show des deutschen Fernsehens. Lanz’ letzte Worte damals: “Das Leben geht weiter – laws, dass?”

There is Justice. He gilded Markus Lanz as the most important Hund des Polit-Talks or wahlweise as “Deutschlands schönste Grillzange” – a title that the author Micky Beisenherz changed. Trotznachtschlafender Sendezeiten fährt “Markus Lanz” in the Regel Gute Quoten ein.

Whoever draws “Markus Lanz” is Markus Lanz drin

If you want to know everything, you can find Lanz a guest who brings: on the edge of the translation, zur Weißglut – or zum Schweigen.

In 2014, an online petition, in the campaign filed by Lanz, claimed that Sahra Wagenknecht had a tendency to lie and stop lying with suggestive excerpts. 160,000 Menschen unterzeichneten die Petition. “Markus Lanz” aber blieb.

Vielleicht, weil ich der generte TV-Journalist niemals dem journalistisch Imperativ nam “Said objektiv!” ergeben hat. If “Markus Lanz” is developed, it is Markus Lanz who has created the right version of the political mainstream with slight left-wing drag.

If the inner hall blesser Leitplanken is found, he can beruhigt zurücklehnen. Add left and right to the Hauptstraße that has been grilled – with Extra oil in the Feuer.

A “tief spaltenes Land” – schon wieder

A beautiful video of this article This is the ZDF report “Markus Lanz – America unpainted” (abrufbar in the ZDF Mediathek), in the Lanz – which appeared in the years 2016, 2017 and 2021 – on the radio broadcasts of the USA tingles with the soul, the collective graben new auszuloten.

Despite Donald Trump’s first candidacy, Lanz has “a very good country”. It will be in the summer of 2024, more Wochen for Trumps dritter Kandidatur, no longer new.

One of the American-Mexican Border rescues Markus Lanz with Refugees from Central America, with Helfern and Anwohnern. Die Geschichten der Geflüchteten “gehen und die Nieren”, reports from the Journalist are visible, all is “strong”, “schlimm”, “real heart” and “unfassbar unfair”.

Markus Lanz sees a report on how an opportunity arises, ‘Markus Lanz’ hints at his read: Here is the end of the Mann with Herz sein en nicht derjenige, der sein Gegenüber auf Herz and Nieren prüfen muss.

America in Black and White

“America unpainted”? Before you see everything, Markus Lanz is complete. In the Hitze of Mexico, Texas and Florida, a T-shirt is on the way or disgusting in attacking Shirt – unbowed and shwitt.

The digital room in the hand is an image of America, the ZDF report uses black and white images as all von ihm. Lanz’ Scheitel sit trotz der Hitze unverrückt gerade.

If Trump has made a statement of a lightning attack, Markus Lanz cannot know: fewer people have come out of the closet, who are friendly, who are affected.

If the Trump Groupies in Swing State Pennsylvania go from Lanz to the Grill so quickly, then the Damen de Dauerlächeln of the Face is desired. “Wir since heute here, because of this,” insists that one of the ladies is first astonished, when the neat Markus from Germany plötzlich darauf besteht, Trump has not made the Corona pandemic passionate, so played through all the waves.

„Leslie, I can’t say goodbye to my daughter’, quickly say that they are offensively offensive. „Was for a serious disappointment“, in short. “Do you want a theme reason or an über Blödsinn?”

The undistilled research after the best treatment

That is why illegal Damen Einwanderers are described as “Aliens”, as “Kriminelle”, Lanz nur an. Here it is that it is no longer the case, if you verstehen, another part of your life, bloßzustellen.

“Those Trump Ladies are killing me”, it is clear that it is over. Weil jede Form von Kritik Seinerseits as majestic policy of empfunden became, “nur Lob und Bewunderung für ihr Idol since erlaubt: ein Leben in een Bubble”.

Of Lanz as an expert, Medienexpert Stephen Livingston, Professor at Washington State University, said in his speech against Trump, but he can say for Lanz: “If this was the case, that would be the best results of my life, you will accept es uncritical – self, wenn ich übertreibe.”

Whoever the Trump Groupies found in Lanz will have fully investigated their worldview after the investigation and this is not the case with the falsification of the claims. If the “Trumpies” were no longer separated, it would all be worth it, since ZDF-Deutschland seine “Bubble” are sold.