
Darum ist the EDEKA-Lager in Berbersdorf so great

Darum ist the EDEKA-Lager in Berbersdorf so great


Darum ist the EDEKA-Lager in Berbersdorf so great

Cool New Features of EDEKA: After about three years of construction, the existing Logistics Center in Berbersdorf is finally finished. And that would be fun!

Chemnitz – Bee EDEKA Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thuringia Gibt’s niece now has fresh Lebensmittel and regional Quality, especially with your Menge Tatendrang.

The one of the Lebensmittelhändler hat das Logistics center In the Berbersdorf inner hall of three years, a beef 60 Prozent ausgebaut.

Außerdem wird aktuell nach noch more engagierten Mitarbeitern (m/w/d) in verschiedenen Bereichen gesucht. Auch for children and children is here to stay!

All information about new information comes here at EDEKA.

EDEKA has a new Großfläche at its logistics center

More than 380 EDEKA, Marktkauf and Diska-Märkte in Saxony benefit from the Ausgebauten Logistikzentrum Berbersdorf.

More than 380 EDEKA, Marktkauf and Diska-Märkte in Saxony benefit from the Ausgebauten Logistikzentrum Berbersdorf. © Michael Schmidt

Our vision became reality: it was more than three years ago that the EDEKA Unternehmensgruppe Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thuringia visited the logistics department in Berbersdorf.

These believe more than 380 EDEKA-, Marktkauf und Diska-Märkte in Saxony and Teilen Thuringia in the Bereichen Trockensortiment, Tiefkühl, Frischdienst, Blumen, Obst, Gemüse as well as Ultra- and Biofrische.

With an investment volume of approximately 100 million euros, the best of the Fläche would be a sum of money run 60 Prozent vergrößert.

What’s best: The Gesamtfläche is a 22,300 Quadratmeter auf 71,300 quarter meters ausgebaut.

The immense Vergrößerung des Logistikzentrums brought many developments.

The immense Vergrößerung des Logistikzentrums brought many developments. © EDEKA Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thuringia

There are new Umfahrungsstraßen, a LKW-Parkplatz, where a two Sprinklerzentrale is aimed.

The properties of the extensive technical equipment can carry out all sorting operations and the Ausbau-adapted and ergänzt.

Everyone involved in the development of the logistics department, construction and the partner works so well.

Ouch Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer ist begeistert von dem Ausbau: “The Erweiterung des Logistikzentrums sets a new Meilenstein in der beispielhaften Entwicklung von EDEKA dar.”

More information about the theme can be read here.

Inspired by the project and eager for a new job?

View cool jobs at EDEKA on Euch! Shaut mal rein en hebet Teil des Unternehmens.

View cool jobs at EDEKA on Euch! Shaut mal rein en hebet Teil des Unternehmens. © Michael Schmidt

Find jetzt at EDEKA Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thüringen Euren Traumjob!

The Unternehmensgruppe has many couples in various careers. So zum Beispiel as:

Gut to delete: Use EDEKA to study and double study.

Darunter gibt’s beispielsweise die Ausbildung zum Fachverkäufer (m/w/d) or zum Kaufmann/-frau in Einzelhandel (m/w/d).

Wer auf der Suche nach einem Praktikumsplatz It’s just that the Lebensmittelhändler is confused. Auch Schülerpraktikanten were born.

Here I will all come to Stellenangeboten in Raum Chemnitz!

EDEKA Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thüringen enjoys your work 🙂

Wusstet Ihr Schön? There are even more cool projects from EDEKA

It is the largest construction project in Germany.

It is the largest construction project in Germany. © Markus Meier

In a fläche von 66 Fußballfeldern Let the company work in the upper French market redwitz of the large Holzbauprojekt Deutschlands. This is the new EDEKA Logistic Center that combats Tragwerk from Holz.

Damit sets EDEKA a Zeichen im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit. This is why we have a high degree of automation in all sorting areas. The first steps in the process were planted in those years.

If EDEKA Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thuringia can close a deal, it will become a gold sponsor with major financial support for the KulturHauptstadtjahr 2025.

With approximately 750 employees, EDEKA is in a tough situation in the Chemnitz region and is involved in the large workforce.

Laut de EDEKA-Vorstandsprecher, Sebastian Kohrmann, has found the market for the Investment and the most important Botschafter für Chemnitz 2025. EDEKA looks like this, it is a matter of buying slates.

The projects were funded with the money, the Chemnitz 2025 gGmbH and many local entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in the cultural capital were very happy.