
Der Berliner Abed Hassan – DW – 01.10.2024

Der Berliner Abed Hassan – DW – 01.10.2024

In Berlin-Kreuzberg the world seems to be alive and well. Sonne and Wolken will appear on that Tag at the end of September. A single Häuserwände is “Free Gaza” sprühht. Most Passers-by have gone a little further, the graffiti can now be seen in the Viktoria Park.

For Abed Hassan, the Krieg hangs in Gaza when he is present. First there was a report from the Air Force of the Israeli Army (IDF) about the so-called “Sichere Zone” in the Flüchtlingslager Al-Mawasi that had been hit. When the IDF trades, he is angry at “Hamas terrorists”. Nachrichtenagenturen messages van Dutzenden Toten und Verletzten, Videos in Sozialen Medien zeizen Menschen, die in Sand nach ihren Habseligkeiten graben.

Abed Hassan has never had a problem, but may have had a problem: Freunde, Bekannte, veldleicht Familienangehörige? Two Cousins ​​​​shicken ihm, as often as they buy, Updates from Gaza, we want to have even more Handy power hat and the Netz function.

Abed Hassan for Trümmern in Gaza
Abed Hassan will be in Gaza on November 4, 2023. A photo was posted on the Instagram channel abed_h90 – and there are 25,000 digital eyes Image: Private

“I’m paralyzed,” he said. “Jeden Tag Tote, Tote, Tote. Here and the friend, jemand, the knowledge. And all there is. The power was with one thing.” There is in Berlin, in Sicherheit, aber also in Hilflosigkeit. The ones that others since never die, including Abed Hassan for a year of war: Im Krieg in Gaza, ausgelöst due to the Terrorangriff of the militant-Islamist Hamas in Israel on 7. October with 1200 people getötet and 251 as Geiseln in the Gazastreifen changed wurden. 97 events were never celebrated in Gaza.

Israel did not start the fight against the bombings, but followed a messenger offensive by the Israeli army. In Krieg, while the United Nations engulfed more than 41,000 Palestinians, most of my women and children died. A large part of the Gaza Strip is located in Schutt and Asche.

With Instagram posts there is “deutschen Stimme aus Gaza”

War document by Abed Hassan. There are bombardments with their own, ever increasing people, who come from the Trümmern, it is a matter of life. The October War was a matter of muttering in Gaza, a Palästinensian family that became so. When the city of Gaza received a home, Hassan was renewed and settled in the Krieg. Israel – and in Parts Egypt – arrange the narrow coastal stretches completely ab. Fünf Wochen long war Hassan in Gaza.

It was a problem, but it was a convenient room on and visible clips on Instagram. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit has more than 80,000 followers – and is one of the “German Stimme from Gaza”. If the summary of history is in the background, Australian journalists are not active in the German Kriegs area. Das gilded bis heute.

Hassan aber war da und sprach in seinen Videos Deutsch, in Gegensatz zu others Palästinensern, the videos on social media becomeöffentlicht. “Egal, wo man here hingeht, the Bomben verolgen einen wie ein Fluch,” said in a video from November 8, 2023. There is a man who will see the shock and suffer the total spread. “I have had a woman who has eaten, who has eaten, who has eaten!” Every time photos of Gaza City are taken in Trümmern and the house is hit, it is found in the future.

“I am in Gaza ab der drRITen Woche eigentlich fast jeden Tag damit redactie”, erinners sich. “Beim Schlafengehen has Ich my schon mental von allabschiedet and thought, jeden Moment can be like this.”

Der Körper zurück in Berlin – der Kopf in Gaza

After 34 days, there are raus – damp seines deutschen Passes. Gemeinsam mit signal Mutter stand er in November 2023 an end to a list of the Australian amts and dares to ausreisen over the Grenzübergang Rafah nach Ägypten. Signal officers were happy in Berlin, but thankfully they were in Gaza. Schuldgefühle teasing ihn. Was it a good idea to think it was “normal” in Berlin? If nothing had happened, would one of the furchtbaren have been Krieg?

Also go to Interviews, cover the content of German talk shows and nighttime broadcasts. On October 7, 2023, there will be a gathering of the Massakers at the Supernova Music Festival in Israel. “That is extremely important”, it is true, “with people who speak from their knowledge. I have no racial backgrounds in my life, I have no hass. And I could not have it, that is why my business is better.” .”

With the racing wheel of Germany in the Nahen Osten

Rennradfahren wurde zu an art therapy for ihn. When you step on the pedals, what matters is the effort you put in. A big Fahrradtour also started in April – no big deal, under the Ziel Gaza. Über Österreich, Slowenien, Kroatien nach Bosnia. Dort is proud of the domination of the Massakers from Srebrenica, an alliance with the people in Bosnia. Muslim who there. And so you see that Hassan is a Genozide out there. Der Begriff is unnoticed. Before the international court allows the South African country to establish Israel, it begins to become a people in the Palestinians in Gaza. Israel weist dies zurück.

Von Bosnien fuhr is weiter in Richtung Türkei, flog schließlich nach Jordanien. The Radtour film has a follower on Instagram, who spends together with a Feldkrankenhaus in Gaza. That depends anyway. And yet it is a Boundaries. Keine sprichwörtlichen, tatsächliche Grenzen, the Israeli controller: Hassan, the neben dem deutschen auch einen palästinensischen Ausweis, wurde an der Grenze zum besetzten Westjordanland abgewiesen.

Rear view of Abed Hassan with Fahrradhelm and T-shirt with der inscription "Road to Palestine"
For Abed Hassan, the Rennradfahren Therapy – and a means, a publication for a Krankenstation in Gaza in the same neighborhoodImage: Private

“If I have a German Pass, Israel will receive the Einreise.” Das mache in wütend. And sad. A video has appeared, the situation of Palestinian-Israeli settlement is sollte. And then it’s a matter of buckling. “Jerusalem, de Al-Aksa Moschee, eine historical, eine more important Ort, nach dem ich mich mein Leben lang sehne, it is likely that it cannot be better, before it is sterbe.”

Palästinenser in Germany

Abed Hassan’s family history is one of the few people who need Flucht. Seine Großeltern stem from Dörfern, the state gründung of Israel is heard. Seine Eltern wuchsen in Gaza in Flüchtlingslagern auf. People are born and waited in Berlin. The German Staatsbürgerschaft started in 16 years. A state support point of Germany in the US – unlike a large part of the UN Mitgliedsstaat – nach wie anerkannt for nothing.

“Wenn I have my own Nationality sollte and I see Palästina, sagten sie: Palästina gibt’s nicht, du bist statenlos. Man fragt sich: Wo gehöre ich hin, wer bin ich, wo sind meine Wurzeln?” During the 14 year war I would live in Eltern nach Gaza with. “Ein Schock war das”, it is said. “Those narrow streets, man slinky, who are very, very, very dry. If the Wasserhahn has aufgemacht, I have noticed, that the Wasser is salzigt. Then I will be able to carry my hand and it will be possible to flow.”

A man and a kind of a notdürftigen Lager under Trümmern
Nach Angaben der UN since 90 Prozent der Bevolkerung Gazas aufgrund des Krieges BinnenvertriebeneImage: Mohammed Salem/REUTERS

If so, then it is true that the people of Gaza are known. Friends and Nachbarn seiner Eltern, the family from Germany as Willkommensessen a Festmahl-zubereiteten – and dafür teils Debts Powers. Who were so herzlich, who is in Berlin, is not nice. After each week’s summer holidays, it is more fun in Gaza – more like in Germany.

“I am a Berliner who is another Berliner. I am proud of the future of such a latent, unterschwelligem Rassismus: You are not here,” he says. This is more than that. Ein Jahr dauert der Krieg in Gaza nun an. “Gewalt can’t be a man with Gewalt bekämpfen, man can be an Escalation nicht with even more Gewalt.” Deutschland, das Israels Sicherheit zur “Staatsräson” erklärt hat, he criticizes the Seite Israels. So the most sieht is Hassan. Deutschland liefere weiterhin Waffen, Deutschland bezeichne pro-palästinensische Demonstranten unterschiedslos als Antisemiten. So never is the land war, in the born war and in dem there is zunehmend fremd fühlt.

Nahostconflikt | Zerstörung in Gaza
After the destruction of the UN, half of the infrastructure and facilities in Gaza will disappear even further. Image: Mahmoud Issa/REUTERS

“I have the Gefühl, dass die palästinensische Perspektive in Deutschland gar nicht stattfindet. Egal, was ich sage, was ich erleide, was unsrt, uns wird immer entgegnet: ‘Aber Israel is a Demokratie, aber Israel is a Rechtsstaat.’ Not for our Das, was a Palästinensern broaderfährt, ist again Recht nor Demokratie.”

Abed Hassan will appear with Menschen in Dialog Treten, the palästinensic perspective, on an end of the Krieges in Gaza and a fried Zukunft-hoffen. But it falls in my judgment. There is no second coming of the German Prime Minister, nor of the American President, who has resigned. Who else will quit the Krieg? There’s nothing depressive about it, but it’s true. A man may think, “I couldn’t say more. I wish, I would have died in Gaza.” The Tots would no longer have been concerned with their lives in Gaza, but the superior force was punished with the Burde der Trauer. “Man comes to a stand, in the a man can no longer fly, in the heart world.”