
Hausaufgaben am Foyer an deiert School material: Two Flüchtlingskanner erzielen iwwer hir Schoulrentrée

Hausaufgaben am Foyer an deiert School material: Two Flüchtlingskanner erzielen iwwer hir Schoulrentrée

One of the schools soll all Kand namlecht sinn all Kand huet e Recht op Bildung. Ma d’Schoulrentrée lives everything possible.

Ee Schicksal, that is a verbuergene please, as that of Schüler and Schülerinnen, is a scary Foyer for Refugees. Eng Realitéit, déi d’Monica Camposeo looks at the anzefänken, and dobäi on vill Schwieregkeete gestouss ass.

A parallel parallel business that turned out just as good. Virun engem Foyer zu Miersch mir op eng Famill, dei hei lieft. Immediately you will see Mataarbechter ugeschwat. Et ass Méindeg am fréien Owend and awer gëtt versicht, wouldstänneg Leit am Büro they erreechen. That, obwuel mir kloer soen, that mir den Interview dobausse maachen. When you press the press in the Foyere of ONA, the National Office for the Accueil, you film. Eng Demande fir en Tournage gouf refuséiert. Oh, Eran, our camera, I just loved it. The mother-in-law from the Mierscher Foyer will now be happy with the situation, she will meet her, she will never have to wait any longer, and she will continue to do so.

Well, it’s just so different, I would like to hire Schülerinne Katalina and María Antonia to hire Papp. D’Famill ass virun 10 Méint aus Kolumbien op Lëtzebuerg flücht. Some Meederchers go to school, which is directly to Mol. Your situation is increasing and you can borrow more often. Besonnesch wins the Hygieneskonditiounen. D’María Antonia saw that and my math teacher does his work with toilet paper, it’s a cozy issue. The Kapp will do much more by learning and learning mathematics. D’Meedche vun 11 Joer ass am Cycle 4.2, dem fréiere 6. Schouljoer, enger Accuei- an Integratiounsstruktur.

When d’Schoulmaterial she gets it

Dem María Antonia sang the great Schwëster of Katalina at the age of 15 and became a class of batteries at the Lycée. Fir d’Schoulmaterial ze kafen, kréien d’Refugié-Famillje Bongen. If you’ve just had a different life, try a schweier ginn, like Katalina. There are many cases of recognition and association. The Emanuele Santi has added the app “Riding the Rainbow”, on the school material, me and the veloen or the trottinettë-kënne verschenkt ginn. It is the family of the famous kolumbis. If you use your app this way of making money, d’Schoul is going to take a look and rule it out. If you receive a gift, you can receive a huge amount of gifts.

This has been confirmed by Charel Schmit. As an Ombudsman, a Jonker can notice that he has made a proposal for the Maachen refugee structure. Besonnesch provisional structures, wei de Foyer zu Miersch or den Don Bosco um Lampertsbierg, whose fir Kanner just geeegent. The lessons Zuele vum OKAJU has no more than 2,000 Kanner and Jonker a structure of the Flight Shell, Stand Fréijoer dëst Joe. Ronn 1,400 Kanner sinn am schoulflichttegen Alter. 173 Way of life is another or a family member. Everything can be like this: Ronn a Drëttel of all refugees, déi an enger Struktur wunnen, si Kanner a Jugendlecher.

Däitleche Message un d’Politiek

There have already been some provisional Foyer arrangements “to ensure that there is a critical response to other social arrangements for their future situation”. Dowéinst mécht de Ombudsman kanner und Jonker Charel Schmit de däitleche Opruff un d’Politiek, deene Kanner aan deene Kanner liewen, solle gläichwäerteg sinn. In Miersch’s Foyer, which María Antonia and Katalina wanted, it is definitely just like Kanner, like Charel Schmit. Or anyway, the Kanner and the Schoul have finally given up.

You fill a rental class if you want a huge wuel, so si. Hir Frënn wunnen and a Foyeren, dowéinst wie et kee Problem, fir si mat “heem” ​​​​they bring. Dorunner missed all the good news about Charel Schmit. Before Flüchtlingskanner, an English Rules School, starts, with a huge swing, if you are Frënn, it is a whole Foyer-wunnen, which knows no matbréngen. Och Gebuertsdeeg feieren, whose net more, that fact dozou, that d’Kanner is also ausgeschloss fillen.

You would like to do something at the Hausaufgabenhellef. Make the ONA a recognized School Offers in a place where the Kanner at the Hausaufgabe can use a good ginn.

Oh, d’Katalina remains the spruce of Hausaufgaben nach an der Schoul. That’s even more fun. D’Zëmmer, a relative, did not mention Fënster. “Dat ass schonn e bëssen traureg”, my wife is so duerch, so it is a Meedercher daper. Si si sech een: si wellen hei bleiwen.

Fir d’Schoulrentrée hu mir iech op dëser Plazënnerschiddlech Kanner a Jonker virgestallt:

E Report on the Schicksal that can be realized by a young man, is a scary Flüchtlingsfoyer that war sécherlech mat a meeschten Hürde verbonen.