
With Turmeric and Coconut: More Exotic Linsenintopf

With Turmeric and Coconut: More Exotic Linsenintopf

In the meantime, the time for the end result continues. This is practically the case if you fry and if you have a classic exotic lifestyle. The exotic linsen toffee can be eaten with more pleasure: Der lowenanteil bestht aus satt machenden Kartoffeln, with vitamin-rich pepper and zucchini from Gemüse, with the linsen a portion of protein loveern.

A handful of fresh coriander, lime juice and pomegranate core provide a fresh note, soft drink man that is a happy hat, nor will you have a bisschen summer on your counter, which ensures a warm glow. Coconut milk, turmeric and curry powder enhance the finish with exotic, creamy flavors.

Zutaten for 8 servings:

250 g Berglinsen
400 g Süßkartoffeln
400 g Kartoffeln
1 Swish
2 Zehen Knoblauch
1 Zucchini (approx. 350 g)
1 Paprika powder (rotten)
15 g Bio-Ingwer (fresh)
1 tbsp coconut fett
1 TL Turmeric powder
1 TL Curry powder
500 ml Gemüsebrühe
200 ml Coconut milk
15 g Coriander (fresh)
1 Limette
1 Pomegranate


  • Lins unter fließendem Wasser abspülen. Süßkartoffeln and Kartoffeln schälen and fine würfeln (approx. 5 mm). Zwiebel and Knoblauch schälen and ebenfalls are fine würfeln. Wash zucchini and pepper. The ingredients are discarded and the pepper is removed through the core. Zucchini and pepper in small Würfel (approx. 5 mm) cut. Ingwer waschen und fein reiben (Bio-Ingwer must not be washed).
  • Das Kokosfett in a greater quantity Topf schmelzen lassen and Zwiebel, Knoblauch and Ingwer darin smaller Hitze and ünsten, bis sie weich sind. Turmeric and Curry can be cooked in a few minutes. Linen and Gemüsebrühe in the Topf geben, salzen and approx. 10 Minutes in the heat with geschlossenem Deckel köcheln welding. Then the Kartoffeln and Süßkartoffeln unterrühren and more 10 Minutes cooking welding. Mix the zucchini and coconut milk and boil it for approx. 10 minutes. Then Linsen and Gemüse will be together, but neither will we have any Biss haben. Then separate the peppers and mix them together. When you’re hot, you can’t cook anymore.
  • Wash coriander, peel it and hack it. Limette auspressen. Die Kerne aus dem Granatapfel los.
  • Den Linseneintopf mit Limettensaft und ggf. season with salt, turmeric and curry and garnish with fresh coriander and a few pomegranate cores.