
Hammerbrook: Park Avantgarde in Hammerbrook | SAY ONLINE

Hammerbrook: Park Avantgarde in Hammerbrook | SAY ONLINE

Yannick Ramsel © Florian Thoss for DIE ZEIT

Liebe Leserin, Lieber Leser,

In the summer, Oussama Ritahi’s time has begun: The 30-year-old Moroccans are an HSV Ultra, who played the Fan Club “HSV Arabic Fans” in Casablanca and played a Spiel for 15 years – this is not a German message and still not in German war. I enjoyed portraying Ritahi in an article (Z+). Daraufhin started HSV-Fans a Crowdfunding, and wants Ritahi nach Hamburg Loading, Flug and Hotel included, one of the best games in the Volksparkstadion at the Volksparkstadion. 142 Messages about the campaign, message in this newsletter, for an amount of 4,000 euros. Own state of the journey is no longer on the road.

Jetzt gibt is a problem. Ritahis Visumsantrag can be removed. Morocco ends up in the federal states, its citizens receive a whole bewerbungsverfahren during their trip, when they travel their tourist to Sweden. Ritahi works at the German Botschaft in Rabat, with a recourse to health care, control and a final order from the HSV, there must be a lot of variety, that is no punishment or no cholera hat. End of July goes to the Antrag, Mitte August comb the Absage. Der Grund: “It is best to consider the two things in my view, for the visibility of the visum in the high area of ​​the surrounding areas”, so it is in the writing that my Ritahi geschickt hat. Gestern hat there mir am Telefon davon messageet. “I will never be able to get enough money from my account,” it says, “but it is not.”

I am working on one of the talks by HSV, Hamburger Jens Kochte, which was started by Crowdfunding. Both are regularly in Contact. “I am a bisschen ratlos,” said Kochte. There is a problem, the Botschaft is afraid, Ritahi in Deutschland is no longer suitable. “Ein sehr lebhaftes Beispiel dafür, who in the light of the active political power policy migration policy is ausgestaltet”, says Kochte.

We can use a form of Schreiben, in the Ritahi of the Botschaft-versichert, that is not true, it is possible to make the HSV-Unterstützer a Kochte shine. Ritahi looked at a terminology at the German Botschaft Rabat zu ergattern, een personal vorzusprechen. Nur: Sobald new Termine online kommen, see in Sekunden vergriffen, sagt Ritahi.

Do you have a chef and Ritahi Hoffnung, who have never met personally in this Saison and played a game in the Volksparkstadion?

“Hab ich, Punkt,” said Kochte.

Ritahi writes on WhatsApp: “Yes, I am very happy with it, that’s what the journey is like in my last trip :)”

What is striking is that Optimismus does not dominate, it is an HSV fan and a mittlerweile-irgendwie dazu. I’ll stop reading the Laufenden.

Before you are in the Tag entlasse, there is neither a Hinweis here: Roads of the Feier- and Brückentags might that Elbvertiefung a small Pause, we will then report on Samstag, who hated with a Podcast follow.

Aber jetzt: Haben Sie een schönen Mittwoch!

Ihr Yannick Ramsel

Would you like to read a message, delete your data, or see if there are any pending messages? Schreiben Send an email to [email protected].


© Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg/​dpa

Der Jungfernstieg is a bit comfortable with the scheduled traffic, Taxis, Radfahrende and the timely limited Lieferverkehr free in both directions, the quality of the traffic management. While it concerns the jungle of the Jungfernstiegs, there are other traffic and climbing conditions soll, in the final phase: Both Fahrbahnen are strong, the bus routes have been raised. Work and maintenance will continue in October. When the Weihnachtsmarkt and the Weihnachtsmarkt are no longer active, a Baupause is planted from the end of November to January 2025. The Umbau des Boulevards an der Alster will end with the construction flanzungen and grünarbeiten in May 2025. The computer graph says that the Jungfernstieg after the Umbau has been found.

Best Burger
Pflegeheime müssen vom 1. November a niece more so fell fachlich ausgebildetes personal bets. The rot-grüne senate reacts on its own to the private personal notion, which has fallen into mind by the Schließung von Pflegeheimen geführt hat. Bislang muss in de E-inrichtungen unabhängig von der nachgewiesenen Pflegequalität mindestens die Hälfte des Pflege- und Betreuungspersonals über een dreiährige Ausbildung versügen. Due to the new rules for compiling the portfolio, when the land associations of the Pflegekassen in the Vergangen-Zwölf monates have reached a high quality level, the quote can be displayed at 40 percent. Derzeit dies voor een Drittel der 142 stationaire Pflegeeinrichtungen. De Linke in de Hamburgische Bürgerschaft-kritisierte das – Belegten Studie, als de qualitie de Pflege-leidde, als de Fachkräfte is scrutinized by Hilfskräfte or Ungelernte ersetzt würden. Der Senate has found one of the best learning strategies for education and knowledge of the end of the years a powerful strategy for people’s health and well-being.

The People’s Initiative “G9 – More Time for Learning! Bildungsrechtigkeit HH” is based on people’s wishes
Relaxation after the new year and gymnasium. The initiators have been writing about 45,500 Unterschrifts in the meantime, writing a speech. Currently, there were almost 66,000 people. The initiative will be increasingly active and will keep the communication with such parties, making machines and the pressure high. Heritage was followed by another initiative: “Hamburg Testet Grundeinkommen”. Knapp 96,000 people have received the initiators. Because it is so good that civil society can develop and develop a developed model project from public investments with the help of the common law. When we were no longer history at the end of January 2025, the initiators of “Hamburgse testet Grundeinkommen” were able to receive a Volksentscheid boontragen.

In all Kurze

Approximately 200,000 children and youth are welcome in Hamburg since Schuljahresbeginn for all Schülerinnen and Schüler kostenlos Deutschlandticket. Das entspreche 94 Prozent all Hamburger Schülerinnen and Schüler, gab der Senat bekannt Die Zahl der Videospechstunden bei Ärzten hat sich after the Coronapandemic in Hamburg nahezu halbiert. After an Auswertung der Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) consulted in the course of 35,000 patients and patients online – 2021, the TK more than 68,000 videos were available in Hamburg, 2019 all was now 19 online contacts with Art Ärzten gegeben The Hamburgische Bürgerschaft is developing itself in its own right in an action-oriented environment with them Schutz der Bürgerinnen en Bürger voor de climacrise and extreme Wetterlagen


Liegewiese aus Asphalt

In Hammerbrook you see a park where the innovative artists are also other Grünanlagen. What is a Zukunft? That’s the story itself:Hamburg-Autorin Magdalena Hamm; read an article about your article here.

Früher lands Sperrmüll here. If you find on the streets of the ehemalige Recyclinghofs in Hammerbrook, gerahmt von Straßen, S-Bahn-Gleisen and der Bille, the most innovative Grünanlage Hamburgs: “Parken”. Wobei, grün? Rasen, Blumen and a Teich are here. Statistics are a small asphalt fläche, which can hide your gewerbliche spread and a heißen summer rudely pops the probe.

Aber wer genauer hinschaut, findet Grün. Etwa die Uferböschung zur Bille in anyway de üppigen Gemüsegarten, the Menschen from the Nachbarschaft auf der Wasserseite angelegt haben and hingbungsvoll pflegen. Weiter hints of the Fläche haben Birken, Silberpappeln und Schmetterlingsflieder, die in Asphaltschneisen, with a treasure spent high above.

“Einen Teich hätten wir schon auch gern here” says Nuriye Tohermes. “If it’s different, it’s different.” It is one of the projects that “Parks” has been bringing together with local cultural organizations, associations and the architectural firm Atelier le balto gestalten since 2019. When the environmental protection effect is exerted, the dams radiating the flame will come off the machine for convenience. This is as clear as the inner half of the green leaves, which are the result of the eastern Alsterufer bis zum Entenwerder Park an der Elbe erstrecken soll. An example of this is the project of an experimental field for the modern park design. Dabei is a fragment wie: Was muss een öffentlicher Park leisten? Were we separated? What were the costs?

Whoever has the Nutzer des Parks in his or her own shapes, read more in the new phase of ZEIT ONLINE.

Zum fullständigen Article


© Jana Margarete Schuler for DIE ZEIT

“At 7.10 a.m. the morning of the Zug in the Hamburger Hauptbahnhof ein, vee Tauben, enge Bahnsteige, ›one of the smartest Bahnhöfe Deutschlands‹, says Stolley.”

ZEIT Editor Stella Schalamon portrays Lasse Stolley in her text, who has been living and working for two years in ICE – read the entire article here.


Until 6.10. können Sie nor see the first part of the Gemeinschaftsprojekts “Odyssee Hamburg” in the Ernst Deutsch Theater. Drei Theater in Hamburg used a different program with the Homer-Epos and did a number of studies with its sources. It will become a new part of the Bühnenbilds. “Odyssee of the Calypsotype” heißt der 1st Part, von Daniel Schütter frei nach Homer erstellt. In the Ohnsorg Theater and in the Lichthof Theater you will find the following projects in the following years.

“Odyssee oder the Calypsotive”, bis 6.10., 7.30 pm; Ernst Deutsch Theater, Friedrich-Schütter-Platz 1; more information and tickets can be found here


Mahnmal St. Nikolai (Long Night of the Churches) © Sven H. Philippsen


Tomorrow in the U1 Richtung Kellinghusenstraße. Before I sat down with my mother and followed her mother, life and the travails began to rush and drußen. Then say the idea: “Mama, my last birthday will be special in the future!”

Hearing from Elke Heptner


Ein Ultra aus der Ferne (Z+) – Oussama Ritahi was not yet in Germany. The Fan Club “HSV Arabic Fans” was proudly founded – it opened on January 15 Casablanca jedes Spiel der Hamburger. Why should you do that?

Liegewiese aus Asphalt (Z+) – In Hammerbrook there is a park where the innovative artists are also other Grünanlagen. What is a Zukunft?

Der Zugvogel (Z+) – Lasse Stolley lives and works in ICE, his second year. Warum fährt is even longer?