
Anti-Krebs lifestyle: these strategies improve my life

Anti-Krebs lifestyle: these strategies improve my life

Viele Krebsarten, who prevent Brustkrebs welding in their Entstehung nicht. Was man tun kann? Make sure you have water and a good life.

Jahr für Jahr erkranken in Österreich 40.000 Menschen an Krebs. Experts and experts believe that they can use half of the credit flows during a life cycle and the industrialized companies. Credit credits – the highest credit rating of women – it is not that they are not affected, everything that a woman does in her hand, her personal risks during a lifetime if she leaves. Anyone who integrates Krebsprävention into their Alltag is part of the “European Code of Krebsbekämpfung”. Here’s a closer look at the key strategies for future longevity.

Controllable Movement, who jogging, ensures the proper functioning of company credits.

© Getty Images

Controllable Movement, who jogging, ensures the proper functioning of company credits.

The ultimate lifestyle is Krebs

1. Don’t roast

Sämtliche Krebserkrankungen can be brought into Verbindung with the Rauchen. There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco products with more than 50 substances available. If a package of Zigaretten pro Tag comes, there are 150 mutations in the Atem roads over the year. Deshalb ist responsible for the development of lung health. It is a matter of a German high credit rating (from 10 to 30 percent).

2. Purchase Rauchfreies Umfeld

Auch Passivrauchen harms. The British study started with the development of passive care in a passive way from the age of 14 to 15.

3. Aufs Weight eights

5.4 Prozent aller Krebserkrankungen bei Frauen hangen mit erhöhtem Körperweight sisters. Especially given: Bauchfett. So acknowledge your risk: Mesen Sie Ihren Taillenumfang mit einem Maßband ab. A circumference of more than 88 cm is a high risk.

4. So fell Bewegung muss sein

The effect becomes nachweislich die Wahrscheinlichkeit for Dickdarmkrebs as well as for Krebs der Brust und der Gebärmutterschleimhaut. Wer sich fell away, you could make it lighter, your weight in a certain situation would stop and reduce if your risk went further. Empfehlung: Possibly fell Alltagsbewegung (Treppensteigen etc.) anyway 150 Minutes mäßige Aktivität pro Woche. Alternative: 75 minutes per week of intensive physical activity.

5. Pflanzenbasiert ash

In the European population, people who lead a living life (gemäß den Empfehlungen zur Krebsprävention) are führen, a um ca. 18 Prozent lower credit risks are caused by the weight and weight of employment. Der Tipp: pflanzenbasierte, ballaststoffreiche Ernährung.

6. Alcohol in Blick

Je weniger, desto besser. The intention is that alcohol insures the most credits: Krebs of the Mundhöhle, the Speiseröhre, the Halses, the Leber, the Darms and the Brust.

7. Detox

In the environment, on the Arbeitsplatz, there are many possibilities of human resources or natural substances, from which some Krebs could be acquired. Check out these substances and chemicals. Particularly the workers’ groups (construction, labor with chemicals, lacken …) must also be informed about tax and tax matters. General gold-plated: Reduzieren Sie die Innenraumluftverschmutzung (Rauchstopp, keine Chemikalien, good Lüften).

8. Quiet

The longer you are a woman, it is worth studying for the geschützt of Brustkrebs. The abrupt credit risks are 12 months ago (still for children) to 4 percent due to risk reduction during a single event.

9. Achtung, hormone!

From Europe. Kodex has reservations about the treatment of hormonal therapies and says: “Vermeiden or der nur eingeschränkt anwenden.”

10. Angebote wahrnehmen

Take into account the best care for recognition and screening programs: Neben der kostenlosen Brustkrebsvorsorge gibt es auch Angebote zur Vorsorge von Darm- und Gebärmutterhalskrebs.