
So we are committed to digital innovation and the reform of health care organizations!

So we are committed to digital innovation and the reform of health care organizations!

Dusseldorf (ots) –

Who is there with the innovations of the great reforms and improvements, with the government bonds that can guarantee common health care? You can find the Fragestellung of the MEDICA HEALTH IT FORUM ( as a program file of MEDICA ( in Düsseldorf, the international Leitmesse voor de Gesundheitswirtschaft and die Medizintechnikindustrie, also in Diesem Jahr wieder an alle vier Messetagen (11. – 14. November 2024) funds Antworten. In Sessions and Talks, themes about Künstliche Intelligenz, Robotics and Virtual Care were discussed. More information about the first session of the Forum Program in Halle 13 am Montag, 11. November 2024 from 11 a.m.: “Sustainable AI – Nachhaltige KI” – an overview of technical, environmental, social and various aspects. AI-System ensures that it is a responsible and extremely friendly way of life. However, this is the case: Speaker Prof. Peter Boor, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, might die first in a presentation about Deep Learning in der Pathologie deutlich. One of the many examples of Deep Learning in pathology can have a negative impact on the global experience. The digital pathology research says that working with other cars, quality may increase with some materials and carbon dioxide emissions will increase sharply.

It is important that generative knowledge lasts longer in the center of the most interesting interests. On Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 1 p.m. you will find a podium discussion at the MEDICA HEALTH IT FORUMs statt. Dr. Julia Hoxha, Leader of AG Health at KI Bundesverband, with the Diskussion moderators. It is a Mitgründerin and Geschäftsführerin of Zana. This start-up is now busy spreading biomarkers for COPD. This therefore functions: Analyzing the model and recognizing the muscle in the environment, thus allowing for better results. These studies can also provide clinical studies and objective reports on Krankheitsverlaufs – and are very innovative. Who will come here with the “AI Act” and with the EU Mitgliedstaats-staat as the first Gesetz zur Regulierung of KI to be abolished? “These institutions have expanded the options for all needs, for the Krankenhäuser and other users. If all goes well, the costs are for the users.” The latter are often prevented by planning and design, as far as Hoxha is concerned. So most Repairers assume that the AI ​​system does not fall into a higher risk class. De Anbieter von KI-Lösungen erwarteten auch, dass der “AI Act” Ausnahmen und Erleichterungen für kleine Unternehmen und de Forschung noch previous zijn. Hoxha has halted the KI-gestützte Entwicklung of Präzisionstherapeutika through the generation of new molecular structures and the prior singularity of a certain Anwendungsbereich of KI in general healthcare.

With artistic intelligence from new materials

The current Merantix momentum is driven by KI, a Wirkstoffe in a larger molecule to optimize. It’s hilarious, with AlphaFold from Google DeepMind ermöglicht, the three-dimensional structure of proteins can be used. Dr. Bertram Weiss, Pharma Lead at Merantix Momentum, is impressed by the AI ​​podium discussion in the MEDICA HEALTH IT FORUMs – led by Dr. Augusta Modestino, Head of Strategy at AICURA Medical. If you are conducting a study with a proprietary biopharmaceutical platform, dating and images of AI, a study of patients on the investigational compound is an ideal candidate for clinical trials to identify, identify at-risk patients and monitor treatment. Dr. Nilofar Badra-Azar will discuss one of the insights from political history. It is a referee at the Federal Ministry for Health in the Referat for New Technology Grundsatzfragen. Badra-Azar could have access to the discussion about the common data management and the regulations regarding the medical register.

Therapy via smartphone

Digital therapies are considered therapeutic treatments in their own right. Um this Begleiter zur Gesundung, er “Health Companions 2.0”, will be at the Tech Talk on Montag, 11. November 2024, at 2 PM. So the Frisk Company shows other solutions in developing innovative strategies and solutions. Dr. Cinthia Briseño, Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von Frisk, wird auf der Programmbühne in Düsseldorf auf Mourning Hirth. There is Business Development Manager at App-Lösung ‘Constanze Care’. The app supports integrated AI assistance and an expert team in optimizing the business relationship between users. The app provides information about arranging care in the pregnancy, who could prepare their babies for care and was the baby at Bauchschmerzen hilft. Die KI speist dabei ihr Kissen aus current Research, new medical guidelines and expert knowledge.

If you are an Arzneimittel, Redcare Pharmacy is equipped with the online pharmacies with the ‘Shop Apotheke’ in Deutschland. Das Unternehmen sees itself as the new online pharmacy in Europe. Active in the active federal states: Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Redcare Pharmacy works with the ‘eHealth-CardLink’ solution for an electronic application. The knowledge can be combined with the electronic card and electronic smartphones with the Shop-Apotheke-App. Alexander Braden, Director of Medication Management at Redcare Pharmacy at the MEDICA faculty Tech Talks.

Roboter could and fell Couples unterstützen

Zur Digitization of general health is heard on the Einsatz of Robotern. “Smart Robotics” will be distributed on the Tech Talks forum theme on Tuesday, November 12 at 12 noon. Dr. Manuel Ferle, TU Munich, School of Engineering and Design, is the most experienced surgeon, who performed the robotic operation and the manual control, which performs the operation and is very important for the patients that can be treated. Allerdings gold-plated data on the new technology being developed over time Integration into the best clinical and non-exhaustive options. New methods and technologies have been developed to broaden the integration of the system, a good prospect for its realization.

Lukas Bernhard, scientific head of the Munich Clinic to the right of the Isar, which has a robot equipment in the Forschungsgruppe MITI, which has placed an “OP-Springers” in a non-sterilized range equipment. The robot holds sterile materials – with any material or surgical hands – from the bearing, inserts the packaging and straightens the operator’s sterilgüter. In one of the active publications, Bernhard reports that he offers a system of potential benefits, which will dismantle the incentives for the overwhelm of personal passports and the rationalization of labor laws in healthcare. If readmissions are higher, the results of the clinical trials are strengthened.

Another sweet impulse for digital clinical networking

Clinics that take the time for tive-greifenden dispatches – never again during the zunehmende konzentration of Medizinische Leistungen op spezialisierte Standorte, of the Krankenhausreform in Deutschland führend wird. In this context you will find a digital display and telemedizine of a central role. Who can use the functionality, says the Sonderschau ‘Hospital of the Future (’ on an Aktionsfläche in MEDICA-Halle 13 (Stand C04). Here you will find dividers and dividers from the Kliniken entry and the following themes:

– Digital infrastructure in the Krankenhaus: finding solutions for telecooperation.
– Intelligent aggregation and control of patient statistics, medical documentation: efficient medical resources.
– Datengetriebene Telemedizin and expert intelligence in intensive meditation: personalizing and caring for patients.
– We go to the patient and the patient in the Blick: datengestützte Telekonsile duchführen.

The ‘Hospital of the Future’ is part of the German Society for Telemedicine. V. in Kooperation mit der Messe Düsseldorf organizer. Fachliche Unterstützung bij de Planung und Umsetzung leisten the ZTG Zentrum für Telematik und Telemedizin GmbH and the Klinik voor Operative Intensive Medizin und Intermediate Care der Uniklinik RWTH Aachen. Fachbesucher der MEDICA 2024 and in particular the delegation of 47. Deutschen Krankenhaustages, der beste inmitten des Messegeschehens in der benachbarten Halle 12 stattfindet, haben de Möglichkeit, een exclusive Führungen über die Sonderschau teilzunehmen. It seems that one of the many other possibilities that MEDICA has digitized has arisen through the digitalization of general information provision.

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Original content from: MEDICA, updated by current news
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