
EVSI report: “Positive Investor Support with a positive outlook” ()

EVSI report: “Positive Investor Support with a positive outlook” ()

EVSI report: “Positive Investor Support with a positive outlook”

EVSI report: “Positive Investor Support with a positive outlook”

EVSI report: “Positive Investor Support with a positive outlook” ()
The “European Venture Sentiment Index”, Q4 2022 to Q4 2024 – Quelle: Venionaire Capital

Vienna, Österreich, October 1, 2024 – The European Venture Sentiment Index of entrepreneurs was a quarter of Europe’s top investors and spent a few dollars, the start-up branch was ready. After reaching the high state of affairs in Quartal, it is possible to appear on the fourth Quartal 2024, but it was not so. Berthold Baurek-Karlic, Vorstandsvorsitzender of Venionaire Capital AG, said about his Vorsicht: “After a year of rising Zuversicht, the Kurve is currently abated. Startups can be found that cannot generate suitable investments.”

Based on the European Startup Action, the quality of Deal Flows and the Stories of Anlegerinnen and Anlegern, Venionaire Kapitaal presented the “European Venture Sentiment Index” four years ago. The Grundlage voor het Erhebung-bildet an overview of investors and investors (of the regular venture capital fund for Family Offices), the joint European Raum that covers all Startup Sectors. As a Stimmungsbarometer of risk capital and management, Business Angels have looked up the index in the next page, which is Ausblicke on the Entwicklung of the European Innovationskraft.

Stimmung weiterhin gut, Ergebnisse hinter den Erwartungen
Positive in the previous way: for a year, an investor’s price has been steady and aimed by 6.1 points at a new high for the four quarters of 2024 (Steigerung um 0.7 Prozent zum Q3/24, 21.1 Prozent in Years comparison). Verhalten says about the tatsächliche Index, with 5.1 points written in a quarter on the investments of investors – the more the time of the befragungs, the Fed can no longer make sense. “Anhaltende geopolitical tensions, uncertainty in the environment of the US-Wahlen, anyway Sorgen, with the focus on AI, will result in a trend being developed, the Handlungsfähigkeit of Investors and the dampening of the Ausblick a little”, thus Berthold Baurek-Karlic, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Venionaire Capital AG.

In Zahlen you can create an overview of deals and investment volumes. I invested US$10.9 billion in European startups in the quarter – down 31.5 percent going into the quarter. The European “Big 3”, Britain, Germany and France, maintained their positions and together accounted for 7.8 billion US dollars in value investments. Dennoch has increased its investment volume to 34.2 Prozent (Q2/24: 1.9 Billion Dollars) in the previous quarter and is 3.9 Prozent to 71.3 Prozent in a previous European investment volume. A more genaure bettor said that it is worth it for all Britain as the Powerhouse of the European start-up economy Federn. Rund 35 Prozent weniger Investitionsvolumina (Q3/24: 4.5 Billion Dollars) given the Vorquartal (Q2/24: 6.9 Billion Dollars) provides the British with a lighter price on a strongly swollen Quartal. Auch die Anzahl der Deals sank in Great Britain with 21.2 Prozent on 257 (Q2/24: 326).

Deutschland can make an offer in the Vergleich zum Vorquartal and the road from Platz drei to Platz zwei vor. A total of $2.2 billion was invested in quarters, a scaffolding was worth $39.2 million in the quarter (Q2/24: $1.6 billion). I received a message about the 13.1 percent out of 95 offers.

In France, the quarter for startups is getting to work on their lairs. Investment volume fell to 66.4 percent in last year’s quarter at $1.2 billion (Q2/24: $3.4 billion). 70 deals were closed in the second quarter of 24, there were 100 deals and a negative 41.2 percent result.

Aufschlüsselung der Investitionen und Deals, Q3/23 to Q3/24 – Quelle: Venionaire Capital AG

Spandes Jahresfinal steht bevor
Who wants to know more? The Stimmungsbarometer can positively influence the industry in the Vorkwartale Mitnehmen. Investors and investors started in the four quarters of 2024 under another investor with a turnover of 2.7 percent and see the more wetkampf among the investors. “If it is positive for European startups, over time companies looking to make investments often die. There are no new start-ups that have never started with smart intelligence and that are unique in their Geschäftsmodel,” says Baurek-Karlic. It was worth accepting the whole entrepreneurial promise of startups so that the deal quality suits us. Während Startup Bewertungen 9.8 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorquartal verlieren, wird erwartet, dass de Deal-Qualität um 4.8 Prozent zurück geht. “It is possible that the years in which a sprint is carried out, or investors are not a single company that has left the new US chief executive. Spannung is jedenfalls gegeben“, so Baurek-Karlic abschließend.

The combined European Venture Sentiment Index can be found here download here.

The “European Venture Sentiment Index” is a weight index. The Index explains the Schwerpunkt op de Bewertungen (ob the Price of Start-up-Aktien in Europe as über-, neutral or der unterbewertet anggesehen alles). Another factor is the quality of deal flows and the high quality of investor investments, the time to invest. You can use a quadruple view of a quadruple view. Venionaire has Antworten from a Fokusgruppe and a smaller Kontrollgruppe. These dates were delivered in two weeks. In both groups we find the group of companies with a number of European Startup Hubs (einschließlich der Schweiz und des Vereinigten Königreichs).

Over the Venionaire Group:

Venionaire Capital specializes in venture capital and private equity. In 2012, the Firm was founded with Hauptsitz in Vienna with a number of experts who launched Konzerne, Mittelständische Unternehmen and Family Offices in complex financial financing. A special expertise of the houses lies in the field of Innovation, High-Tech and Wachstumsunternehmen (Start-ups). Services in the Norwegian Venture Capital and Private Equity in the areas of Due Diligence, Unternehmensbewertung, Deal-Strukturierung, Fund Management, up to classic Transaktionsbegleitung (M&A). The partner of the external investors is regularly involved in the European Super Angels Club, but works with the partner of KPMG Österreich all over the world. More at

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