
Davos Klosters Bergbahnen: Winter Top, Summer Flop

Davos Klosters Bergbahnen: Winter Top, Summer Flop

This summer is a lively New Year’s Eve for the Davos Klosters Bergbahnen. Image:

A look has been taken at the following, one of the experiences that the Davos Klosters Bergbahnen AG (DKB) has earned thanks to the Jahreszeit. The Winter Spülte im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr 2023/2024 een Umsatz von 44,6 Mio. CHF in the Kasse, der summer costs 2.7 million. CHF. Die Ersteintritte in winter lies with 990,000, while it quickly goes over summer with 116,000.

The VR President Carlo Schertenleib and CFO Yves Bugmann in the previous Geschäftsbericht: «The gas test structure is weather-resistant, if you take your wishes seriously. Before all Schweizer Gäste is a leader in the summer, he is more in Davos. A trend change that is concerned with Wunsch Denken. The weather conditions in summer are now a brute of winter in winter.»

Hotel umsatz nimmt weiter zu

It is no longer winter, the Davoser is no longer open. Annährend 40% von Umsatzes erzielt de DKB mittlerweile mit hren Hotel- und Gastrobetrieben. Vom Gesamtumsatz of 85.4 million. CHF collapsed 30.0 million. auf dieses Segment. And that is the Tendenz handlebar. I receive a discount on hotel rates with a value of 7.2%. If the Logistics sector is a big plus, it is relatively modest at 0.6%. I made sure that the guests in the hotels received 9.6%.

For the past 5 years, the hotel and gastroumsatz, so CEO Vidal Schertenleib in an interview with, has reached 16 million. CHF located. Mittlerweile besitzen die DKB über 20 Hotels with 3,500 Beds. The breakfast is four in the hotel. Discover the Bereich Hotels and Gastronomy at the Bergbahngeschäft and der technical beschneiung one of the three strategic handlongsfelder and Zentraler Bestandteil of vertical Integration in Unternehmen, so Schertenleib.

It is possible to be involved as a Privileg in Davos and in Klosters, if the Bergbahnen sich, including Beschneiung, selber finanzierten und nicht Finanzspritzen der öffentlichen Hand beanpruchten, who is much at Skigebieten Standard ist, betonen Schertenleib and Bugmann.

Higher Anstieg der Abschreibungen

Roads has a higher personal consumption of 23.7 million. CHF (Vorjahr: 20.9 million) and the bet costs 17.4 to 19.7 million. CHF is managed by the DKB and an EBITDA of 37.9 million. CHF, the target point of the Höhe des Vorjahrs.

The problem with the upgrade is that all major investments in the total Abschreibungen amount to 8.7 million. CHF. The basis of the high investments cannot exceed 14 million. CHF Ausserordentliche Abschreibungen vorgenommen zijn, schreiben die Verantwortlichen.

Under dem Strich, the Jahresgewinning suffered a loss of 16.7 million. from 9.3 million. CHF zurück.

Eigenkapitalquote roads Investitionen rückläufig

Im Messages were sent to 65.9 million. CHF invests, as it does not, in the History of Davos Klosters Bergbahnen AG. Neben van de hotels Sunstar, welches new Mountain Plaza Hotel heisst, are auch beim Hotel Alpina in Klosters a Pachtwechsel von der Familie Conzett zur Seven Group. Das Hotel costs 3.5 million. CHF cleans and the high bedtime. We’ll see more soon than 10 million. CHF «invisible» investments in the mountain railway infrastructure, the infrastructure, the IT and the Pistenfahrzeuge can be invested, so the DKB.

The high investments in a German higher Bilanzsumme are a damn discount on equity at 38.4% (for 46%).


Verschiedene Herausforderungen whore Fachkräftemangel, Inflation anyway geopolitische unsicherheiten würden das Unternehmen auch weiterhin beschäftigen and grim fordern, so the DKB. The Währungsschwankungen are uncertain and with the large Schwankungen a Hemmnis for the Tourismus. The cash flow that the growth of the economy provides will continue over time and be invested in the future.

After the big hotel stays in Strela, Waldhuus, National and Alpina, we will have nothing more than a great holiday at Hotel Joseph’s House in the coming years. All the considerations regarding the future aspects of the hotel invest the DKB über 20 Mio. CHF.


The Davos Klosters Bergbahnen are very busy on the road. The Strategy, the Bergbahnen and the Beschneiungsanlagen with the new hotels are only a few minutes away, which is striking. If you want to make a higher investment, you die.

For the summer there is a clear strategy. During the summer, the «Premiumcard» model can be offered and the attractive price for the Kurzaufenthalter is increased. This is the basis for the marketing of biking and hiking. Aberdamit never miss the international tourists, who in different destinations who Zermatt or St. Moritz guarantee a wonderful summer holiday.

For the DKB, the roads of high hotel prices in Davos Tourismus and hotel enthusiasts end up in a strange world.

The General Meeting on September 27, 2024 will decide on a dividend of CHF 7.50, with a minimum of CHF 2.50 as a result of the payment. The reason for the high investments is the decline of the legal market.

The Aktie der Davos Klosters Bergbahnen AG is traded on OTC-X. Zuletzt costs CHF 265. The dividend yield is distributed at the Kur level 2.9%, the Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis is 10.5.

The Kursentwicklung of DKB AG said that it was a clear trend for a year. Quelle:

Hinweis in eigener Sache: Am 29. Oktober 2024 findet der Branchentalk Tourismus am Flughafen Zürich statt.