
Ranking: It is one of the most successful German startups

Ranking: It is one of the most successful German startups

Ranking: It is one of the most successful German startups

Ihre Startups sollen am schnellsten waiting (from left to right): Maximilian Wühr (Finn), Jan Oberhauser (N8n), Julian Weselek (Tourlane), Artjem Weissbeck and Andreas Tussing (Charles).
Finn, N8n, Tourlane, Charles; Collage: Gründerszene

Profitability for Wachstum. The one who became the biggest gründer in the first place is one of the most memorable experiences in another life. That is the most recent start-up monitor of the Bundesverbands Deutsche Startups that has only been founded once: the fragmented group has started, won and brought the best set to the market over the course of 74 years. Gleichzeitig sinkt der Anteil der Gründer, de schnelles Wachstum als weighty or other important strategic views, light on 54 Prozent. Bedeutsam is the Kennzahl that has never begun – even if the low economics and the agile financial sumfeld Startups vermehrt zum Ummdenken swing.