
DAX with more delights: Nahost-Konflikt im Blick – Adidas top, Sartorius schwach

DAX with more delights: Nahost-Konflikt im Blick – Adidas top, Sartorius schwach

The nerves and chests can focus on the geopolitical tensions in the east of the country. The German Leitindex (DAX) dropped 0.3 percent to 19,164.75 points in the trading market and thus gives us more credit, which results in a more striking trend in the trading market.

After the Iranian Raketenangriff on his country, Israel’s Chief Executive Benjamin Netanyahu has announced an update. Now that the analysis of the geopolitical risks and the chance of more monetary policy Lockerungen has been carried out, the market analyst Konstantin Oldenburger from Handelshaus CMC Markets arrives. One of the financial markets could be executed by the European Central Bank (EZB) with another Leitzinssenkung in October. The further Zinspfad is unclear.

“The spannungen im Nahen Osten sorten for a holprigen Start ins vierte Quartal”, expressed Jens Klatt, Market Analyst at Handelshaus XTB. Ultimately, the Dax was one of the weapons that the “Tag der Deutschen Einheit” could purchase in the Donnerstag, and the bill was offered. There is a major trading relationship that stabilizes the Dax the most. Moving on to Wall Street, we can take the next steps to boost trading for a schärferen absolute.

Adidas and der Spitze

A Quartals report from Nike has appeared that the German Wettbewerber Adidas has not included in the Sippenhaft mode. The title is about the Spitze in the DAX. Market conditions reflect Nike’s big problems and Adidas’ big prospects.

Look at the results in the DAX series on the Mittwoch among other Life-Science topics. Top losers were those Vorzüge des Göttinger Laborausrüsters Sartorius with a Minus von knapp zwei Prozent. Auch de Aktie des Diagnostik-Spezialisten Qiagen Rutschte um 1,4 Prozent ab. For the first time of Siemens Healthineers it was about a product.

The young entrepreneurs in the east dominate the business and the westernmost trading activities. DER AKTIONÄR is about the fact that you receive the most messages.

(With material from dpa-AFX)