
Mehl-Rückruf in alle Bundesländern – enddeckte Giftspuren since krebserregend

Mehl-Rückruf in alle Bundesländern – enddeckte Giftspuren since krebserregend

  1. tz
  2. Verbraucher

The Federal Office for Verbraucherschutz and Lebensmittelsicherheit reports a Mehl-Rückruf. There is a bedrohliche Schimmelpilze festgestellt.

Kassel – Even though the water is still untouched, the water will be backed up. Were in the last days of the week, you can enjoy cooking or Kekse sister times, so all things will be well done in the future. The Federal Office for Health and Safety (BVL) warns against frozen Schimmelpilzen in a mehlsorte. The affected product is in 16 Bundesländern in Umlauf and can be krebserregend signal.

Mehl-Rückruf in ganz Deutschland: Product enthält krebserregende Stoffe

Konkret was een organic chestnut-mehl zurückgerufen. Below the Begriff Farina di Castagne, the Mehl flows into the fine Italian Backstube zum Tragen. In Germany, the Rückruf was hit by Kastanienmehl von der Jura Naturheilmittel GmbH vertrieben. Whoever writes the Unternehmen aus Konstanz in an official Information, must receive the following charge:

  • Product: Bio-Edelkastanienmehl (Farina di Castagne Bio)
  • Repairman: Fratelli Castellino srl, Italy
  • Inverkehrbringer: Jura Naturheilmittel GmbH
  • Mix: 500 gram packaging
  • Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum: 31.01.2026
  • Loading number: Lot no. 15/24

Quelle: BVL

A high level of aflatoxin loading is possible in the product. Aflatoxin is a natural fungal pill, which in the higher concentration can cause enormous harm to human health. All things can be done in Pasta derzeit eine Gefahr lauern.

Das BVL warns against gefährlichen Schimmelpilzen in a Bio-Kastanienmehl. The fabric is gold plated as credit and is very suitable for Niere and Leber.
Das BVL warns against gefährlichen Schimmelpilzen in a Bio-Kastanienmehl. The fabric is gold plated as credit and is very suitable for Niere and Leber. © BVL

Erhöhte Aflatoxinbelastung: Kastanienmehl Teil eines Rückrufs – Hier is een verkauft

Aflatoxin was discovered by the Wissenschaft as a genotoxic Carzinogenic substance – also as Stoffe, which is krebserregend. The message from the Niedersächsische Landesamt for Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit van een erhöhten Risiko van prolonged Schäden for Leber and Niere, if a higher verbal announcement would take place. The problem is that following time and time go hand in hand.

Laut de Bundesinstitut für Gehören Risk Management Aflatoxin is the strong substance in the natural food gifts and krebserzeugenden substances. Hitze can no longer use the substances. Boiling or Backing, which chestnut trees used to use, will make the toxins of the Federal Institute Allenfalls a small part. Der Stoff is often located in Getreide, Heu or Nussarten ab. The transporter is a bittet with a product backpack.

You can purchase the affected Bio-Kastanienmehl only in pharmacies, Reformhausen and Bio-Läden, or online. In Supermarkets, who is Rewe or Edeka, or Discountern, who is Aldi or Lidl, the BVL Information is not according to Sortiment. Vorsicht has not yet happened. If you use a Schokoladen product from Aldi, it is one of the reasons this happens. When reading and improving the daily development of the Wurst-Theke, come up with a product in the Verkauf. This is the only way you can respond. (rku)