
Die FALTER-Kinotipps der Woche 39/24 – FALTER Kinoprogram

May signal, that’s it Truman Capote more Glamor hat, from the US-Schriftsteller – see Selbstverständnis nach: nichts weniger als een Genie – hat itself en schon genug Aufhebens um sich gemacht. More like the end of the 100. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages on 30. September zu erwartenden Jubileumbeiträge moves mech der jenny Eintrag im Blog meines Berliner Kollegen and Freundes Gerhard: namlich de Nachricht, dass Pierre-William Glenn am Dienstag 80-jährig gestorben ist.

Pierre-William Glenn War by a French chamberman, who has received a famous celebrity, is the Dutzende of Filmen in the image that has the classic status and you know (or know sollte). In the 1970s there was never again a film by Francois Truffaut fotografiert (vom Oscarfilm “Die amerikanische Nacht” bis zum autobiogarfischen Jugenddrama “Taschengeld”), but practically the geese Bertrand Tavernier dieser Dekade (vom Debüt, der Simenon-Adaption “Der Uhrmacher von St. Paul”, bis zum “Saustall”) and dazu noch zentralen Werke unter Anderem von Jacques Rivette (“Out 1: Noli me tangere”), Costa-Gavras (“Der unsichtbare Aufstand”) or Maurice Pialat (“Loulou ” ).

Gerhard, who dared to learn personal knowledge from Glenn last year, writes: “Seine Filmbeistering is früh. Ich glaube, there would have become a surgical surgeon who studied mathematics. Claude Miller, who wrote his war history in his childhood and in the future has studied In the 1960s, when the assistant director was making waves, Glenn’s film came into its own, while he made a documentary film with his friend Johnny Hallyday about his films, who had been studying Bildgestaltung for a long time Femis, wed there, if neither IDHEC hieß, self-studiert hatte.”


Neustarts der Woche: “Megalopolis” by Francis Ford Coppola (ausführliche Kritik finden Sie hier), “Explanation for Everything” by Gábor Reisz also: “Never Let Go” (Horrorfilm with Halle Berry), “A Ove – Üben, üben, üben” (Roadmovie der Klimaneutralität), “Die Schule der magicalen Tiere 3” (Fantasy-Jugendfilm der routinierten Art), “Das Land der tausend Weine” (Doku aus Spanien).

New retrospectives and insights: Magical movies. ETA Hoffmann und das Kino, een gemeinsame Veranstaltung von Filmarchiv Austria und Synema in Metro Kinokulturhaus (ab Dienstag), das Blue Danube Film Festival op Collegium Hungaricum (ab Dienstag), de Japanese Filmtage Japannual 2004 in Filmcasino (ab Donnerstag) anyway das Austrian Film Festival im Schikaneder (ab Donnerstag).

A beautiful living experience with good filming,

Ihr Michael Omasta

The FALTER Film Editing Empfiehlt:

Coppola’s “Megalopolis”, a mix of political thriller, experimental film and science-fiction epic, started with the fast-paced offensive, with main character Cäsar Catilina (Adam Driver) next in line. This is a revolutionary material deck from the architect and inventor: Megalo, a glass-golden shimmering material with organic properties, with the New Rome of internal heraus if a perfect new home wants to be created. In the heruntergewirtschafteten, von Korruption versuchten Stadt gibt es jedoch vehemenen Widerstand gegen seine Plane. (Sabina Zeithammer)

A Budapest School has a vermeintliche “left” Geschichtslehrer in Suspicious, a patriotic geeks who have grown up, who are not the best. Die Sache is a real entrepreneurial prize, in the sense that Schüler:innen, Lehrkräfte, Eltern and Medien are entangled. Gábor Reisz experiences the dynamics and motivation, he feels guilty. “Ein herausragendes Porträt der falschen Wahrnehmungen und übertriebenen Empfindlichkeiten in der Mitte Europas” (Barbara Schweizerhof).

For three years, Ruth Beckermann and his cameraman Johannes Hammel had taught a class from Wien’s largest Volksschule in the Bezirk Favorites. When time shows that the Schüler and the Schülerinnen, the migrants come from the migrant family, and know little of their Lehrerin, the Children die without many Schwierigkeiten and somewhat more than now the Unterrichtsstoff beibringt. Make sure that a man takes great responsibility for the secret debt burden. Highest Empfehlung. (Michael Omasta)

The History of the High Stacked, Monokel-best Counts Karamazin: With “Foolish Wives”, their (after “Blind Husbands” and the lost ones “Devil’s Passkey”) written Arbeit, the Kampf began to become with the “Exzentriker” of the famous Hollywood cinemas. Under the influence of the nervous system, which is concerned with industry, the work from 21 to 14 years ago has been kürzt – the criticism is based on an American ideal and scientific idealism, an ekelhafte, morbid, ungeschichte and schlicht “een einbleek in the continental life and the moral”. (Gezeigt wird die restaurierte, 30 Minuten meer Fassung des MoMA, New York). – With live keyboard accompaniment by Elaine Loebenstein.

After most people have seen the Zwillinge Pudel with the different family members: Gilbert with the powerful religious Apfelbauern in the country, Grace with a childless Ehepaar in Canberra. Unglücklich, whoever is in his brother, sees the erzählerin of the Knet animated film “Memoir of a Snail” by Oscarpreisträger Adam Eliott in his sparkling Schneckenhaus zurück. If you’re in an eccentric 80-year-old named Pinky, while Iris Apfel, finds another friend, you find him. Herzzerreißend, witzig, behold, in the original with the voices of Eric Bana, Sarah Snook, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Jacki Weaver! (Michael Omasta)

History of a Schlagersängerin (Renate Krößner), the private and robbed first time she occurred, the niece is more the youngster, schließlich a new Anfang find. Hervorragend spielter und ebenso inszenierter Film – nach een Drehbuch des brillanten Wolfgang Kohlhaase -, the time is “in the West” for most of the world.

An up-and-coming Ehefrau from Long Island takes a football match with head loss as an anchor during his trip through the state. There is a problem in the course of the fight against the rain, when the weather goes well. Schön, allesam, class spielt by Shirley Knight, James Caan and Robert Duvall!.

The inspiration for ETA Hoffmann’s novel “Das Fräulein von Scuderi” was filmed in the 1920s. The modern jewelers are an original original, the day when a young journalist is brought closer, an amateur detective and the fruit of the most valuable asset. Hoffmann’s man of letters, Stoff, who is passionate about his time, produces an atmospheric Kriminal film with Sogwirkung. – Live Music Begleitung by Florian C. Reithner. – Zur Eröffnung präsentieren Brigitte Mayr & Michael Omasta die Synema-Publikatie “Hoffmannesk. Auf den Spuren ETA Hoffmanns im Film” (Hg. Anett Werner-Burgmann, 2024).

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