
The Carinthian Politiker focused on “Wunschzettel” and a new Federal Government

The Carinthian Politiker focused on “Wunschzettel” and a new Federal Government

A “Kärnten Gemeinsam voranzubringen”, which Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreter Martin Gruber (ÖVP) concreted, abschiedeten all Parteien in Landtag am Donnerstag a package and Forderungen and the good Federal Government. Auch Landeshauptmann Peter Kaiser (SPÖ), the common ground with Gruber seitens der Landesregierung Stellung, appeal for a Schulterschluss über the Party boundaries behind. In the first line, the Wirtschaft is so strong that the infrastructure finances its citizens and citizens, a housing estate in the country.

Derzeit was dieser door de Wirtschaftsabschwung und wachsende Arbeitslosigkeit bedroht, als SPÖ-Klubobmann Herwig Seiser in Rahmen der active Stunde. A new financing issue puts a burden on the management of the factors, because SPÖ-Klubobmann Herwig Seiser is in the power of the active government. “Wir müssen die Drittelfinanzierungen”, written by ÖVP-Clubobmann Markus Malle. Steuererleichterungen in case of overstaffing, who are responsible for all those who work in the Pension weiter wollen and the Forces of the Vollzeitarbeit sei laut ÖVP-Abgeordnetem Hannes Mak wesentlich: „Nicht die Work-Life-Balance hat our Land groß gemacht, without people who were prepared, The next step is to ensure that your work will continue to work well for you.” If you work as a worker, so Seiser: “Be that as it may, we have worked in the field for a long time, and that we deserve a break from the stress. And for the final organization, the Rückerstattung der Mehrwertsteuer is geben.”

Straßen und Bahn ausbauen

Kaisers Forderungen and the new Bundesregierung concern in particular the transport infrastructure in narrower Abstimmung mit der Koralmbahn: “Sie wird buchstäblich a Tunnel in a new Zukunft.” Wesentlich sei in diesammenhang de Haltestelle Kühnsdorf, auch as Verbindung zu Slowenien. In the further preparation of the plans for our own Güterbahntrasse, one for the Wörthersee region, a traffic solution for the Plöckenpass, the Sicherheitsausbau of the Friesacher Bundesstraße (B 317) or the A2 Vollanschluss in Wernberg.

“Mobilität und der Ausbau moderner Infrastruktur sind Standortfaktoren”, says Gruber, of the erneut ebenso who übte FPÖ-Klubobmann Gernot Darmann in this same Zusammenhang harsh criticism and Infrastructure Minister Leonore Gewessler (Die Grünen). “If the Volkswillen verpflichtet, which prevents a heavy infrastructure,” said Darmann, the asylum theme of the Sprache spawned a “Stop the uncontrolled mass walk in our social system.”

Enjoying the community

The FPÖ focuses on a specific issue on a breakthrough and the national government: a community that has absorbed and prevented a financial collapse, ensures that a person in 20th place receives a loan and the completion of one of the following matters:. „The Land kassiert bereits über 80 Prozent der Steuereinnahmen, die Gemeinden über de Finanzausgleich zutehen, ein. That must have been stopped.”

Ruf nach Natuur- und Klimaschutz

Olga Voglauer, Speaker of the Green Regions in Carinthia, who live in the countryside, are also included in an assessment of the environment: Dieser beweise: “The climate and natural environment in the Carinthian Land are very pleasant.” .“ brauche is “Bodenschutz, de wiederherstellung intakter Naturräume, Klimawandelanpassungsmaßnahmen, de Schutz unserer fruitbaren Agrarflächen und de Turbo in der Energiewende”, so Voglauer.