
Ausflugsziele in NRW voor den Feiertag

Ausflugsziele in NRW voor den Feiertag

  1. wading
  2. NRW

October 3 is the Tag der Deutschen Einheit. Trotz des Feiertags bieten zahlreiche NRW-Ausflugsziele Möglichkeiten für a Tagestrip.

Hamm – The Day of German Einheit is 3. October is a special holiday in the whole of Germany. Before most users die a Tag Pause vom Berufsalltag. Those, on October 4 when Brückentag nutzen, it will take a long week. Often a mention is made of the attractiveness of the German national flag in the form of a loan and a good representation of the infringement of a Tagesau attack. It may be that there is poor operation in NRW and that the chance of a malfunction on the Tagesgestaltung is greater.

Von Herbstkirmes bis Street Food: Ausflugstipps in NRW am Tag der Deutschen Einheit

On the other hand, both of them are beautiful Rokoko-Schlösser Augustusburg and Falkenlust in Brühl zum Staunen ein. Since 1984, both Schlösser, an etwa 2.5 kilometers longer Spaziergang voneinander trennt, Part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. During your stay you will be amazed by the beautiful Schlosspark in French Stil Erkunden and the Combination of Architecture, Plastik, Malerei and Gartenkunst.

The Schlosspark des Schlosses Augustusburg offers a special exhibition.
The Schlosspark des Schlosses Augustusburg includes a spectacular view. © Lars Heidrich / Imago

For historically passionate nature lovers, we have traveled through a hiking area through the German Teutoburger Wald, from NRW to Lower Saxony. Find a way out under, among other things, the sagenumwobenen external stone, a striking, 40-meter high upward movement formation. Auch das Besteigen der Felsen is possible. Um, there’s more to this than Wanderwege. A davon is the Hermannsweg in Ostwestfalen-Lippe, in the Städten Rheine and Leopoldstadt. Dieser führt unter Anderem am am namgebenden Hermannsdenkmal vorbei.

Take a break with the family: Freizeitparks open auch am Feiertag

Were a Soul for a Day Sausage with the goose family, would be fun in the Freizeitparks. In many adventure and theme parks you can do the big and small things on the Tag der Deutschen Einheit in Fahrgeschäften Action and Spannung erleben – beispielsweise in Phantasialand in Brühl, the Ketteler Hof in Haltern am See or in Fort Fun in Bestwig, the largest Freizeitpark in Sauerland. Before the back track fahrt, you will lose the chance to play and you will no longer be able to watch movies. Falls das Wetter is not as good as the Indoor-Playplatz of the Ketteler Hofs with various Themenwelten for Children a playful World of Africa in the Arktis.

Darüber is found in its own NRW-Städten am Feiertag verschiedene Feste und Veranstaltungen statt. So check out the Street Food & Music Festivals in the Bochumer Bergbaumuseum in the Genuss verschiedener kulinarischer Spezialitäten kommen. These take a very long time to work. It is gold plated for the Street Food Festival Duisburg, in the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord.

Herbal churches and special indoor activities

Ebenfalls am 3. October starts with the Herbstkirmes in the Städten Ahlen, Lingen, Rheda-Wiedenbrück and Bochum-Wattenscheid. In Ahlen, the Kirmesgast will be on the Nachmittag after a free release of Kirmes-Wundertüten, where in Wattenscheid you will find an ökumenische Anacht on the Autoscooter-stattfinden soll before the Opening from 1 p.m. After Kirmes’ official performance, it has been 14 hours since you cleared all charges for the next 15 minutes.

On the top of the wall with a statue of more than 100 meters in height
With the ehemaligen Zechengelände ragt der Nordsternturm with Statue more than 100 meters in height. © VIVAWEST

Bei wechselhaftem wetter, die erlebniswelt Neanderthal in Mettmann an alternative Dgang Durch Das Eiszeitliche Wildgehege.

A Rückblick on the Geschichte des Bergbaus in the Ruhr area stops the Besucher des Nordsternturms in Gelsenkirchen. In the presence of the Nordsternparks in the surroundings of the Nordstern, there are guests who are not able to enjoy the outdoors at 83 meters. If there is still no paint from the tower, current technology can be explored. This is how the Dauerausstellung “Walking is always” is the view of the Turm Museums and a glimpse into the steep changes of the landscape.