
Cologne: Hausmeister Adam überlebte Sprengstoff-Anschlag – it’s here until

Cologne: Hausmeister Adam überlebte Sprengstoff-Anschlag – it’s here until

Montage morning, September 16, 5.45 am. Hausmeister Adam (53) took the Mülltonnen to a Wohn- en Geschäftshaus at the Hohenzollernring in Cologne. In the Augenwinkel you will find a description of the “Vanity Club Cologne” zündelt. There is probably a Pyrotechnik thinking. But now Sekunden später geht der Sprengsatz hoch.

A Zufall rettete Adam und diesem Tag das Leben, wie wieder a video de Sprengstoff-Anschlags (more than here >>>). Der Hausmeister comes with a plated Trommelfell davon. We spend two weeks at the same time as the Sacrifice of the Spending Stoff until. The Polizei Köln goes for a Rätsel.

++ Bluttat in NRW: Junge Frau erstochen ++ Mordkommission ermittelt ++

Cologne: Pretengstoff-Opfer stirbt wei Wochen nach Anschlag

A 53-year-old man died on the anniversary (2. October) after a jump on the Eisenbahnbrücke on the Karlsruher Straße in Köln-Buchforst. The Kölner Polizei is best sold, if it is a house trade, it is the Sprengstoff-Anschlag before the “Vanity Club Cologne” becomes war.

More about the theme: Explosion in Kölner Zentrum ++ Police hunt Mann mit diesem Photo

“I am very pleased with the results, with a view to supporting the recognition of the recognition services, as well as the long-term success of the experience with regard to the information provided by the customer,” the officials said.

Zusammenhang zu Sprengstoff-Anschlag?

The Ermittler can also use a suizid. Now we are proud to be part of our relationship with the connection with the Cologne Club. Stand der 53-Jährige nach dem Ereignis unter Druck? Is there a serious trauma? It is a good idea not to give the Ermittler an individual indication. Ermittlungen diesbezüglich dauern noch an.

More themes:

The explosion in Cologne is one of many events that the organizers of the Kriminalität will undertake. After two days of celebration, we were able to get together in the Domstadt in mid-September. More here >>>

>>Anmerkung der Redaktion

Zum Schutz der affected family messages are normally not of a suicidal or suicidal nature, but they continue to store messages.

If there is depression or depression or depression, or if you know it is a guideline, it can help with the telephone services. You can register under telephone numbers 0800/111-0-111 and 0800/111-0-222 or on the internet The consultation is anonymous and free of charge, Anrufe would not be identified on the telephone.