
Infrastructure: Since Luxemburg Roads are ready for autonomous development?

Infrastructure: Since Luxemburg Roads are ready for autonomous development?

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InfrastructureSince Luxembourg Roads are ready for autonomous travel?

LUXEMBOURG – The Großherzogtum factory is being built: a strategy for autonomous operations and modernization of the road infrastructure without Gestalt an.

When the European standards of the physical structure are established, the streets will continue in the larger body of autonomous fahren.

When the European standards of the physical structure are established, the streets will continue in the larger body of autonomous fahren.

dpa (Symbol Image)

In a parliamentary debate about the Pirate Abgeordnete Marc Goergen, the DP minister dies with details about the Luxembourg Road Infrastructure about autonomous and teilautonomes Fahren. Who is Mobility Minister Yuriko Backes and Economics Minister Lex Delles in his gemeinsamen organization, is in the coalition agreement from 2023 to 2028 with the Soul Form, “Luxembourg is one of the autonomous fahren of the machine”. There is a holistic strategy for automation and networking capabilities. Automatic control of the system is required. Over the years, a research for a Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum with, a Spitzenreiter in autonomous Fahren, can be another part.

“Autobahns can be the best vehicles that travel long distances here or a number of conflict points that are located on country roads or in the Ortschaften have been laid out,” the Minister explains. Auch die Straßenmarkierungen und Painterwürden door regulmäßige Erneuerung und Modernization van de beitragen. Etwa 10,000 Painter was born a year ago on State streets eretzt or der ergänzt. A smaller street and an area with building combinations or unclear markings can become an autonomous system that provides reassignments and a few limit values.

Autonome Autonomous Vehicles can be used on the basis of the driving system, the traffic painter recognizes and drives better carts. “These maps are activated regularly, a navigation on the Straßen is gewährleisten,” he continues. Ensure that the repair and maintenance work on the technology of the technology is carried out, inherits the state of the street in real time, and reduces costs and reduces costs.

Aktuell is not a specific EU standard for road infrastructure. The EU Regulation 2019/2144 provides for the rightful conditions “for the Einführung von Fuhrzeugen der Stufe 3 des autononen Fahrens, die in bestimmten Verkehrssituationen who could autonomous actions on Autobahnen”. If you want to have more confidence in the policy and control of your country’s budget, show the minister. If you have a secured easement, the restoration of all technical and safety relevant matters is a hereditary easement.

When the European standards of the physical structure are established, the streets will continue in the larger body of autonomous fahren. New international rules, with the “Driver Controlled Assistance Systems” regulations, where a repair consists of automatic systems that are installed, the autonomous components are possible. “The fact that the Eingriff of the Fahrers was changed was the system verbessern soll”, erklären de Behörden.

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