
Klub-WM-Krimi: SC Magdeburg loses weight against Veszprem | Sports mix

Klub-WM-Krimi: SC Magdeburg loses weight against Veszprem | Sports mix

Who harm! The SC Magdeburg loses the Klub-WM-Finale an unlucky against the ungarische Topklub Veszprem 33:34 nV (14:13).

The Jungs of trainer Bennet Wiegert (42) compete in the New Capital Sports Hall in Cairo (Ägypten) for the fourth Klub-WM-Titel in Folge, Ben Ende Reich is in an absolute Handball-Krimi thinkbar handsome niece.

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Bereits der Start ins Finale läuft not at all like that, who der SCM That’s the desired hat. Denn Veszprem releases a 3:0 lauf.

There are strong reactions to the Magdeburger: there is a 3:0 win. Isak Persson played schließlich in the 6th minute for the Ausgleich (3:3). It is an exciting exciting game, a game that is played for a Klub-WM-Finale and the other swathe of Weltklasse-Teams.

Magdeburg went in the 18th minute through a goal by SCM-Urgestein Matthias Musche started in Führung (9:8). Gisli Kristjansson and Albin Lagergren play at 11:8 (22.). The 3-Tore-Vorsprung cannot contain the Wiegert-Jungs experiences in the Pause. Stattdessen führt das Bundesliga-Team nur noch hauchdünn (14:13). Aber immerhin!

That is neither for both Mannschaften nor for everything. The Wurf effectiveness has the Magdeburger (54 Prozent) as well as the Veszpremer (57 Prozent) nor Luft nach oben. Womöglich kommt den SCM stars Zugute, if you have played the events of the Klub-WM-Finals and won.

Danach is the first cousin of: 19 minutes ahead of Schluss führt Veszprem with four Towers (22:18). It’s safe to say that Magdeburg won’t be finished, since war is the result of the title trauma. Tatsächlich saw another DHB star Lukas Mertens with two Toren for the Anschluss (23:34). Magdeburg champions, will unspecify the fourth title in Folge.

Neither three minutes will play, and Magdeburg never lies nor with a single Tor hinten (26:27). Was for a Handball Crime! Mertens explains 56 ​​Sekunden vor Schluss: 28:28. Das Spiel is featured in the Verlängerung!

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Wiegert motivated Seine Jungs, saying: “That is our Vorteil. We know this situation. We’ll have fun with it.”

Gelingt in the first minute of the night. Veszprem führt 32:31. The Ungarn-präsentieren sich eiskalt, de Magdeburger offenbaren im Abschluss Schwächen. At 33:34 the Wiegert-Jungs can think at the end that he is done. Bitter! Traurige Gesichter bij Wiegert, SCM-Top-Torschütze Omar Ingi Magnusson (7 Tore) & Co.