
An individual with an undesirable Doppeluterus becomes ergolgreich Zwillingsnachwuchs.

An individual with an undesirable Doppeluterus becomes ergolgreich Zwillingsnachwuchs.

A person who has an unwanted double uterus brings Zwillingskinder into the world.

A Frau name Li, who chose one of his names, is said to have received an imperial power for the couple, at the Xi’an People’s Hospital in Shaanxi Province. The Krankenhaus bezeichnete das Ereignis as “one time”.

Laut der Ankündigung des Krankenhauses auf Weibo, ein Chinese Social-Media-Plattform, ist selten, de Zwillinge natch in obtent sich hälter Quality de gebarmutter reanwachsen, und noch seltener, die is die Stadion der Reife erreichen.

It is a complicated pregnancy, while the cervix and the birth of the uterus are born during pregnancy, while the uterus ulcerates and twitches in a 2000 woman.

The dramatic development of Chinese social media on the Sturm-erobert has become an increasingly popular topic, which has been viewed up to 50 million times. Viele Nutzer hinterließen Nachrichten voler Wunderung, wobei einige “Was für ein Wunder!” sayings and other “Sie ist so glücklich!”. Other ideas about a good feeling, one Nutzer said: “That’s a good feeling and a good feeling!”

It is a fact that the herausforderungen are a glückliches and that the Krankenhaus is enthusiastic, that it is a Fehlgeburt who has done it.

In January I did a few things that are one of the most ultra-quick fixes, that’s not a kind of, a Zwilling trug, one of the best things.

Under the “sorfältiger and stronger” medizinischer Aufsicht, Li schließlich hereditary follow-up brought a young woman to Welt, der 3.5 kg wog, and a Mädchen, das 2.5 kg wog, whom the Krankenhaus mitteilteilte.

The international medical community is in the process of selecting a choice, which will not have major news in Asia or elsewhere in the world. If there are many examples, you can be an inspiration to many women in Asia and abroad, who can win wonderful passions.

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