
Früherer Malteser-Großkanzler von Boeselager was 75

Früherer Malteser-Großkanzler von Boeselager was 75

Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Großkanzler des Souveränen Malteserordens from 2014 to 2022, 75 years old on October 4. Born in Altenahr in 1949, he lives with the family of the Burg Kreuzberg in Altenahr-Kreuzberg, the family of the Boeselagers. There is a verheiratet with Praxedis, a born Freiin von en zu Guttenberg; the couple has fun children.

Sohn von Widerstandskämpfer

Von Boeselager is the leader of the Widerstandskämpfers Philipp von Boeselager (1917-2008), of the Hitler-Attentat vom 20. The war started in July 1944. After the Krieg war dieser Mitbegründer des Malteser-Hilfsdienstes.

Sein Sohn Albrecht studied Rechtswissenschaften in Bonn, Geneva and Freiburg. Opened in the Maltese orders in 1976 and has been an Obedienzritter since 1985. It is an heir of the man or woman who can make a claim. From war 1994 to 2005 Albrecht von Boeselager Mitglied des Päpstlichen Rates Cor Unum.

Since 1990 there have been limited pastoral rates for the general service. From 1989 to 2014 there was the Großhospitalier Seines Ordens, also as an Art Gesundheits- und Sozialminister Hauptverantwortlicher for the operative Geschäft. According to the Auszeichnungen von Boeselagers hehören Verdienstorden Italians, Spaniens, Österreich, Litauens, Maltas, Ungarns, Portugals und Rumäniens.

The Maltese Orders are based on the Tradition of the “Red Orders for the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem”, on 11. Years of the year since the first Christian health care orders. After the Reformation the community split into the Catholic Malteser and the evangelical Johanniter.