
Light art festival: Kasseler Bergparkleuchten starts with Pannen |

Light art festival: Kasseler Bergparkleuchten starts with Pannen |

With light art, video projects and a lot of water, the mountain park features about the tall women people after Kassel Locken. After the great legacy in the past, the event will last forever. But the Start at Donnerstag was accompanied by Pannen.

Beleuktete Fassade des Schlosses

Both General Probes war the Illumination of Castles nor Gelungen.
Image © Kassel Marketing GmbH / Lars Fröbe

Shining light rings on the Castle, LED Light Points, glowing glow lights on the Wiese, Light Shows on the Herkules and the Schlossfassade and illuminated Wasserspiele: This is now one of the attractions and the main attractions at the “Bergparkleuchten” Festival. With one of the Dunkelheit values, the UNESCO Welterbe can be walked into a large, illuminated display area.

But if you start at Donnerstag, be sure to use some pans first. Statt who planted at 7:30 p.m. could first start the illumination of the Herkules statue and the castle facade with a stunning display. When the zwischendurch goes, it is Ausfälle, auch both the Lighterketten, that the Besuchern im dunklen Park the Road white sollten.



00:39 min.||Sina Philipps

Image © Kassel Marketing GmbH / Lars Fröbe|
zur Audio-Einzelseite
End of the audio recordings

It is possible that work will be done for a day. 2023 had become a megastau on Wilhelmshöher Allee, and the Nebenstraßen were completely overloaded.

Please visit our ticket

Different when I show that the Light Art Festival 2024 costs no costs. Besucherinnen und Besucher müssen diesmal Tickets buy. You can visit the mountain park’s website.

Zusätzlich an Abendkasse will be given for the event. Ein Sprecher von Kassel Marketing all works, the ticket is available online. So umgehe man lange Schlangen und Wartezeit am Tag der Veranstaltung. If you are looking for a man with the ÖPNV journey. The tickets for the Abendkasse are worth two euros if I presell.

Der Eintritt costs about Euro (Erwachsene ab 16 Jahren), der Preis für das ermäßigte Ticket beträgt eight Euro. Bis sechs Jahre ist der Eintritt free. Das Ticket has the right to death Nutzung des ÖPNV in the NVV area (Two Stunden before and after the Beginning of Veranstaltung).

More railways, more gastronomy

Beleuchteter Quader in a garden landscape, in the background of a castle

An installation at the general probe.
Image © Kassel Marketing GmbH / Lars Fröbe

After the traffic chaos in the past, the Kasseler Verkehrsgesellschaft (KVG) special traffic information has been announced. So Line 1 was deutlich reinforced. Besucherinnen und Besucher, die mit dem Auto travel, can travel in the inner city parks and travel with the Straßenbahn zum Bergpark.

Bond Radfahrer stehen 300 Parkplätze in front of the Marstall zur Verfügung. Zusätzlich is a shuttle from the Endhaltestelle der Straßenbahn to Schloss geben.

Criticism is fun to communicate in the right way Wooden Angebot given. A number of situations can take a long time. Laut Kassel Marketing wurde das Angebot in deutlich erweitert this year.

Nur 15,000 Besucher pro Tag

The event had 80,000 people locked in 2023. The Veranstalter Kassel Marketing right in these years with many visitors and visitors from the common Federal area.

Deshalb has the responsibility for attendance in this year: Pro Tag could now accommodate 15,000 people in the Bergpark. Der Zugang is on Donnerstag from 5 p.m. and another day from 4 p.m. with tickets available.

After blowing up the fans in the mountain park, the wait was longer. It is possible to find out that the event can be found in two years.


hessenschau update – Der Newsletter für Hessen

End of the formulas

Stefanie Kuster


Quelle: Sina Philipps,