
Aufschläge in Frankfurt: MDAX-mittags met Zuschlägen | 04.10.24

Aufschläge in Frankfurt: MDAX-mittags met Zuschlägen | 04.10.24

I like to see that the anleger in Frankfurt is sensible.

The MDAX clatters in XETRA-Handel at 12:10 Uhr at 0.92 Prozent auf 26 821.47 Punkte. The market capitalization of the index was based on 262,320 billion. Euro. Zuvor ging der MDAX 0.077 Prozent tiefer bei 26 555.61 Punkten in de Freitagshandel, nach 26 576.03 Punkten am Vortag.

At 26 522.96 there is an MDAX tag, but it is hinged at 26 860.19 The high position is marked.

MDAX Performance since the beginning of the year

Auf Wochensicht verlor de MDAX bereits um 1,15 Prozent. On 04.09.2024, for one month, betrug der MDAX-Kurs 25 296.83 Punkte. Before three monten, on 04.07.2024, we were informed of the MDAX with 25 538.57 points. Der MDAX is op 04.10.2023 op 04.10.2023 op 25 281.13 Punkten op.

Since the beginning of 2024, the index results are 0.063 Prozent ein. In these years, the MDAX reached 27,641.56 points a year ago. The Jahrestief concerns hinges 23 476.10 Punkte.

Aktuelle Gewinner und Verlierer in MDAX

The best Einzelwerte in MDAX since the time is Delivery Hero (+ 5.14 Prozent at 39.27 EUR), Carl Zeiss Meditec (+ 3.66 Prozent at 69.40 EUR), Nordex (+ 3.56 Prozent at 13, EUR 39), Gerresheimer (+ 3.46 Prozent at EUR 79.30) and Stabilus SE (+ 2.34 Prozent at EUR 37.10). The Loser in MDAX is K+S (-1.90 Prozent at 11.12 EUR), WACKER CHEMIE (-1.27 Prozent at 91.78 EUR), HENSOLDT (-0.99 Prozent at 29.92 EUR), CTS Eventim (-0.70 Prozent at EUR 92.40) and thyssenkrupp (-0.47 Prozent at EUR 3.40).

These actions represent the largest trading volumes in MDAX

The Lufthansa action is the highest trading volume in MDAX on. 1,092,602 securities will eventually be traded via XETRA. The Talanx Action ends up with a market capitalization of 19,096 billion. Euro. Let the action in MDAX auf the high Börsenwert.

MDAX-Fundamental knowledge in Blick

Latest Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) op MDAX-verzeichnet 2025 met FactSet-Schätzung de thyssenkrupp-Aktie. Here is a KGV of 4.15 in Buche-schlagen. The RTL promotion achieved the highest dividend yields in 2024 with FactSet Estimation with 16.18 percent among the others in the index.
