
Hebammenwesen ist Kulturerbe: “And was haben wir jetzt davon?” -Westphalia-Lippe-Nachrichten

Hebammenwesen ist Kulturerbe: “And was haben wir jetzt davon?” -Westphalia-Lippe-Nachrichten

WDR: The fact is that the fact that a hospital is a civilized hospital is coming to an end. Others are freely owned, so who is that? Would you like to take into account the gesetzlichen krankenkassen in all outright ab?

Westermann: Yes, it is a modest issue, because everything has inflation. If it is the same for others, the steps will be performed more and more often. It’s true that things aren’t going well. We are having a hard time during the Corona pandemic. The war is going on in Centbereich. It can’t be like this anymore. Aber zwischen 30 and 50 Cent have a higher value.

WDR: Sie haben 16 Jahre Berufserfahrung. Have you ever been robbed at the age of 16, how do you pretend to be?

Westermann: He is also an individual in his spare time. If you are brutal, think of 4,000 Euro. If it happens naturally, people may have arrived.

WDR: Kinder kommen und unabhängig von der Uhrzeit zur Welt, dann, wenn is soweit ist. And if it is a group that has spent a short period of time in 365 days, will your wife stop getting along?

Westermann: Genoa. Of course you have an Urlaub internship. If you are free, I have a chef who is my own chef. A woman’s work may be worth a little less than under the week. Aber man is proud of the Frauen da. A woman may have a problem with her work. Men’s hat is a flat Leben. I have not found everything in the Kauf für die Familien, it is good, it is white, which is my deprivation. And if it’s white, so be it. The Kolleginnen, de angestellt sind, machen auch Nachtdienst und Frühdienste am Wochenende. It’s a good idea to do this.