
First Song after ESC: So sounds new Title «Eurostar»

First Song after ESC: So sounds new Title «Eurostar»

Nemo participates in the Eurovision Song Contest in Zurück. The Bieler Ausnahmetalent veröffentlicht fünf Monate nach dem ESC-Abenteuer the Song «Eurostar». Nemos musical Odyssey continues.

Keine Zeit? blue News soon for these sisters

  • Fun Monate nach Nemos ESC-Abenteuer öffentlicht Nemo on the new track «Eurostar».
  • Acted the ESC-Song «The Code» of Nemos Reise zur Nonbinarität, dreht sich «Eurostar» a new Lebensabschnitt in London.
  • “Eurostar” was about a wild party night in the Eurostar-Hochgeschwindigkeitszug from Paris to London.

Nemo ist zurück: Funf Monate after the ESC-Abenteuer in Swedish Malmö brings the Bieler Talent the new Single «Eurostar» heraus.

«‹Eurostar›, a song, a Gefühl, a Reflexion über mein Leben in de letzten fünf Monaten», writes Nemo on his Instagram account über den Song.

Das Stück is an homage and night life. “Energy is generated when music is played or in the Club Miteinander Hört,” Nemo dem SRF sounds.

The British Metropole London, which was inspired by Nemo, was listened to by his new music: «I was in my place. And if you spend the night, you should too.» 2025 soll dann Nemos Debütalbum released.

Der Song feiert bei Böhmermann’s TV show premiere

Am heutigen Freitagabend feiert Nemos new Single «Eurostar» Live premiere in German Television.

Nemo would be your guest at 11 p.m. with Jan Böhmermann’s «ZDF Magazin Royale» and the song performed with the Rundfunk-Tanzorchester Ehrenfeld.

Nemo: «Basel stops for a second good time»

And had Nemo gone to ESC-Austragungsort Basel? “Basel stops for a good Wahl,” Nemo said about the city in the Dreiländereck with Germany and France. «It is a city with a lot of culture and diversity. One more time to come and another way to respond to Switzerland.» If all goes well, Rolle Nemo will play a role at ESC in Basel in the coming years.

More videos from the resort

Nemo at Gurtenfestival: «I spüre unglaublich fell Druck»

Nemo plays in Donnerstagabend in the Waldbühne. For the concert at the Gurtenfestival, Nemo with blue music appears once in the year 2016 and who has experienced everything.
