
BlitzerWarner has been reduced to 23 Euro for Prime Day 2024

BlitzerWarner has been reduced to 23 Euro for Prime Day 2024

Blitzerwarner zum Prime Day: Schon jetzt greatly reduced

(Pixabay/Amazon)Blitzerwarner zum Prime Day: Schon jetzt greatly reduced

On their own Prime Day, the 8th and 9th of October will see Amazon set up the Rotstift at Blitzerwarner Needit DriveOne. Wer schnell ist, schnappt sich den Helfer zum Sparpreis.

For the Left, that mit “Zum Offerer” or “Zum Shop” are known since, we are here. a facility.

You can use the app to enable hardware on the hardware warning for the automatic operation. These grifen in der Regel auf die Daten von zurück, bilden allendings jijätzlich – über de App des Herstellers – untereinander eenine Art Netzwerk. The great experience: Those who care about the results of the software solution are not extra for you to be active, but connect with your car automatically via Bluetooth with the smartphone and a direct connection. The tested models here are more certain of OOONO Co-Driver No1, the normal price with a price of 50 euros for a purchase and a price of less than 40 euros.

Prime Day 2024: Blitzerwarner ordentlich reduziert

If you speak any more German, then work Drive one Blitzerwarner from the house you need: Statt regular over 50 Euro, the Gadget at Amazon now costs 23 Euro (here you can go directly to an Angebot on Amazon). This service is offered free of charge within four days of use. Weitere Costs have not been incurred: The Blitzerwarner is fully functional Oh no Abo. A battery (CR2450) should be used a few years later.

Since Blitzerwarner released?

Blitzer warner is banned in Germany. Practically speaking, the use of a solchen Geräts – sei es nun der OOONO Co-driver no. 1 or one of them Need Drive One – here a Grauzone. Schließlich warning is auch vor Gefahrenstellen wie Baustellen, Stauenden or Unfällen. If the police are alerted, the warning that the radar has fallen is used. The conservative Trigema chief Wolfgang Grupp has taken a risk on a useless Blitzerwarner, who is verriet in an interview.
Dennoch: If you make a purchase, you will receive a cash prize of 75 euros for a point in the fahrreignungsregister in Flensburg. If the Gleiche is gold plated, the app is used and the police are called. Other passages in the Fahrzeug can be used by a Blitzerwarner, which is used by the Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe (EFAHRER message).

Prime Day 2024: Electronic Parkuhr

Der Ride one Blitzerwarner von Needit has appeared on the Amazon product page, but in a bundle with a digital Parkscheibe bzw. Parkuhr des gleichen Herstellers angeboten. Allerdings, these bundles are not available. If you also have the electronic Parkscheibe made of wool, you must order it separately from Amazon for an order of 20 Euro.

I am convinced that Blitzerwarner will die Parkuhr An officially Zulassung des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamtes (ECE-Genehmigung No. E1 10R – 047203). The park time is set automatically after 20 seconds and will only continue when the car is set to the next phase. If you see the park schedule for the night park zones: Start with the park zone first in the morning, when you freeze the parkuhr conditions.