
Deutsche Eishockey Liga – In front of 10,000 fans: Eisbären Berlin plays 3:2 in Munich – Bayern

Deutsche Eishockey Liga – In front of 10,000 fans: Eisbären Berlin plays 3:2 in Munich – Bayern

Munich (dpa) – Die Eisbären Berlin has won the Spitzenspiel at EHC Red Bull Munich in the Deutschen Eishockey Liga. In front of 10,120 Zuschauern in the new Munich Arena, the German Meister plays 3:2 (0:1, 1:1, 2:0). Frederik Tiffels, Zach Boychuk and Ty Ronning go for the Hauptstadter to a 0:2-Rückstand am Ende deserves the two Erfolg nacheinander feiern konnten.

The host powers from the beginning of a pressure, the first goal ervives the Hausherren: after an unaufmerksamkeit of the Berliner Hintermannschaft schloss Andreas Eder in der 4. Minutes an all entrance has been followed ab. The Eisbarians are then dominant, but the tortoises cannot defend themselves.

I am Schlussabschnitt drehen die Berliner das Spiel

After the first break was transferred to the capital, a time penalty was carried out to the rhythm of the rhythm. Ex-NHL professional Tobias Rieder finished off the Vorsprung der Münchener in Powerplay (24.). The Berliner is on the verge of being able to make progress and respond to the attack by Tiffels (34.).

I can make the demands on my strong Leistung-belohnen: Boychuk is dependent on the Überzahl der Ausgleich (47.). Ronning, who had achieved the best results during his season debut in the DEL event, saw the spaeten Siegtreffer (57.).

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