
Gladbach: Happy Holidays! Hat bitter Folge

Gladbach: Happy Holidays! Hat bitter Folge

Gerardo Seoane watches the dröppeltdrein.

Gerardo Seoane must conclude the next Rückschlag with Borussia Mönchengladbach on October 4, 2024.

Eine der ganz karen Fohlen-Hoffnungen in Augsburg!

After the Last-Minute-Sieg of Borussia Mönchengladbach Union Berlin (1:0) has played the Hoffnungsträger for the letzte game for the October Länderspielpause, the break becomes clearer.

Gladbach transfer in the summer of 2023 – but a different profile?

Natural rückte Sieg-Torschütze Tomas Cvancara (24) in den Fokus. That is not the case if a hit is found, but then Nathan Ngoumous (24) Verletzung automatically earns a Startelf-Platz free.

Diesen übernahm der Tscheche bei der 1:2-Pleite in Augsburg. If you want to know more than the Cvancara by the Verpflichtung of Tim Kleindienst (29), which is set on the Mittelstürmer-Position, it is worthwhile to use the Flügel ausweichen.

Grundsätzlich war is of course completely different from the ideal Entwicklung for the 10.5 million men Cvancara, in the summer of 2023 in Prague and the Lower Rhine War.

The Zweifelsohne is a 1.91-meter Hüne that is specific to the new Mittelstürmer number. As a soldier in the Borussia Park, the war was going on with Marcus Thuram (27), son Breel Embolo (27).

While the war in Thuram is even brighter, it is a Stürmer war that will take place in the final of the Gladbach-Saison in the Line in the center of the war. While the Cvancara-Verpflichtung erhoffte sich Gladbach aber the Zentrums-Präsenz, the first Embolo was brought to the Fohlen a hatte.

Allerdings: Embolos Stärke wars are, when the ball goes with the back to the stops, is the ideal physics of nature – and so Mitspieler is clever in setting the set.

Was in the first 15 Monaten von Cvancara am Niederrhein auffiel: Damit fremdelt nor zeemlich! Dad took over the Eingeständnis von Gerardo Seoane (45) for the game in Augsburg a small Millionen-Bombe, which is flatten ließ.

Denn in the seiner zweiten Saison am Niederrhein with Cvancara first offended a niece as verspäteter Embolo-Ersatz, among the Herausforderer on the Außenbahnen. Dort has remained in the Fuggerstadt – and it is worth taking another step in the decline of the Monate.

“If you have played with my sturm for a while and have played with my attention in the conversation, it is a story with the backs of the man who is not so excited,” Seoane explains. “There is a signaling station when there is a flight on the run and then comes to the next position in the Sechzehner. That’s ruining the game.”

Can you also visit the first line of the Außenbahn-Herausforderer statt Kleindienst-Konkurrent? The problem: Seinen Schwung aus der Union-Partie brought nothing into the exciting Bundesliga game.

Vielmehr wirkte Cvancara, wie über weite Strecken der Vorsaison, ausgesprochen glücklos. If you play more in the combination game with a game, you can attack some other schwäche in the game with the ball.

So before Cvancara continues in the Findungs ​​phase at Borussia Mönchengladbach. If you eat a seoanes meal at the ideal position of age 24, it is natural for all bitter tastes.