
War of damage for Israel greater the longer it lasts?

War of damage for Israel greater the longer it lasts?

Taking satellite photos Damage to the Israeli Luftwaffenstützpunkt Nevatim nach a Raketenangriff van Irans. Expertenwerfen Fragen zur Wirksamkeit der Raketenabwehr auf.

Satellitenbilder has been enthusiastic about an Iranian missile at an Israeli Luftwaffenstützpunkt in the south of the country for 30 years. The photos of the Company Planetlabs on the Tag nach de Angriff have started with viewing Schäden and Hangars, Gebäuden, Rollwegen and a Landebahn on the Luftwaffenstützpunkt Nevatim. If you take videos and photos in social media, you will see more information about the basis of Iranian fears on October 1.

A detailed message from the satellite channel said a crater on one of the runways, reported by US-Radionetzwerk NPR. Israeli as an American-American Beamte has the Ausmaß des Angriffs herunterspielt. Israel is equipped with 180 abject ballistic missiles, rockets from signals and defense systems are abated. Two US-Zerstörer has started its Abfangra chain, damaging the borders. If Iran did it, the F-35 Kampfjets are more appropriate – without a doubt.

“That anger appears to be abnormal and ineffective,” says US National Security Council Jake Sullivan. The Israeli Sprecher, Oberstleutnant Peter Lerner, has lately continued the flight of the Landes Air Force and Luftwaffe. The civilians and war halls can be viewed in the Israeli press.

Trotz dieser Verteidigungsmaßnahmen wird angenommen, dass über 30 Raketen duchkamen and erhebliche Schäden verursachten. Professor Jeffrey Lewis of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, of satellite analysis, first posted in Frage. “We had identified more than 30 craters in Nevatim, but it was clear that we had a great experience with the rockets, but it was worth seeing,” Lewis said. By removing the fragmentation of the Israeli Rocket Abwehr System Arrow 2 and Arrow 3, a mediocre rocket is formed that has intervened in the evil.

It is a speculative activity that Israel has a great chance, a densely populated area of ​​Tel Aviv is like a military attack with Nevatim zu schützen. “Vielleicht does not have any Abfangraketen,” said Lewis and deuteronomy, that the Israeli strategic separation must happen, we will begin to use the resources.

If it is damaged in Nevatim, it will be better if it is described, so that the Iran will continue to have a solid Fattah-Raketen eingesetzt hatte. I take great care to ensure that the rockets are open to normal, large-scale applications can be delivered. Lewis Concrete, which Angriff said, that Iran is in the Low is located in the Israeli Territory of the United States.