
Fernsehen – Influencerin Wolfers: Jungen Leuten fehlt manchmal Drive – Panorama

Fernsehen – Influencerin Wolfers: Jungen Leuten fehlt manchmal Drive – Panorama

Cologne (dpa) – The Schauspielerin and Influencerin Anna Angelina Wolfers, who has not yet entered a single boutique, has spent time at the age of 45 for the Wunsch probably young people after work-life balance. “I have verified that and I have found that it is not more difficult to achieve this at the end of the day and will continue to be able to cope with its own borders,” said the Rheinländerin der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. “Everything resembles the generation of the “Drive”, the Control and the Bereitschaft, Verantwortung zu übernehmen.”

“I like all jobs”

They are confused with the model that is not focused: “If I make a war, then I also took part in it, that I have a good idea and that I can have a fashion and sell it.” “I have had a natural experience in my life, but now it is worth getting my head around and it is a moment when this is no longer possible. I think all the jobs and the fact that they make so much more of their machines could be.”

Anna Angelina Wolfers appears in the new Sat.1 Vorabend series “Für alle Fälle Familie” as a lawyer in a new Arbeitsstelle an der Mosel. When Anwältin Julia “Jule” Beyer sees that she is getting fresh with Sohn Theo (Aurel Klug) zurück with her Mutter Inga (played by Isabel Varell) in the fiktiven Mosel-Ort Sonnstein. You will have a long life in your life: you will become a family member at the Amtsgericht.

Bereits am ersten Tag verdreht Jugendfreund Marco (Arne Löber) Jule den Kopf. Nor before he is his first Verhandlung hat, in the reins of Anwalt is Chris Hartmann (Kai Albrecht).

Die Serie läuft von Montag an (7. October) at 6 p.m. Bavaria Fiction produces 80 Follow the vorabend series, the montages bis free läuft.

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