
“Die Grandma gegenüber bought dasselbe Gericht else.” Food blogger Kiki focuses on the Balkans

“Die Grandma gegenüber bought dasselbe Gericht else.” Food blogger Kiki focuses on the Balkans

Food blogger and e-mailer Koch Kiki from Stuttgart talks about the social media recipe for Balkan cuisine. Jetzt would explore after Croatia and learn more about Croatian cuisine.

Die Balkan-Küche is a more absolute Mischmasch. The Grandma gets the power of the Pita differently than the Grandma.

Berufswunsch as a Child

Kiki is clear at the age of 11, that is Koch was allowed: “My Mama has always bought more time Krautwickel. And if I don’t ever buy it myself, I would like to buy it myself. I often have more comments, but an 11-year-old niece in the kitchen wears such a hat.”

So Kiki entdekt seine Liebe zum Kochen

Kiki waits in Stuttgart, spends her holidays always in Croatia: am Meer en auf dem Land. Dort regularly looks at her grandma: “We were able to eat the peppers, eat the tomatoes, eat fresh food … I was happy with my food – that’s what my interest in cooking came about.” signaler Oma ab, löchert sie mit Fragen. „I am very satisfied.” Später started Kiki a Kochlehre and bought 11 years in various Gastronomies, aber irgendwannn aus die Business aus.

If you succeed once, you may get a reward. Koch’ mit den Zutaten, die du Zuhause. Trau’ dich rough, the small ones own Touch reinzubringen.

Please report your judgments and judgments from the Balkans

Jetzt buy nur noch für sich self en teilt seine Kochkünste op Instagram und TikTok. Damals says it is not the right choice, which is in Australian cuisine: French, Italian and German cuisine. If there is an idea aimed at the Balkans, it becomes new and manchmal responds with critical comments: “I have mal Oregano an das Fleisch von Sarma gemacht, das kam nicht gut an.” Kiki erklärt, er wolle said, that the Directed vom Balkan fell different regional Einflüsse hätten, that is kein richtig and kein falsch gebe: “Tausend Dörfer, tausend Wege.”

Aktuell is Kiki dabei, nach Kroatien und Meer auszuwandern. They are happy with fish, grilling and with a large experience: In Croatia, they are happy with their handicrafts and their work: “Grandmothers are happy with everything they do, they are loved by their families.”