
The best fruit reproduction for healthy intestinal flora

The best fruit reproduction for healthy intestinal flora

Dthat is to say, the best art, the Tag to begin with, is a nahrhaftes frühstück, the satt power and bis zum Mittagessen Energie lief. One of the most common problems you can think of is that you have peace of mind if you don’t know more, it is best to use a ballast-free mixture of your konzentrieren.

Fiber keeps the blutzucker level stable, the healthy microbiota in our body, ensures full exercise, shows the cholesterol level and can do much more. Leader who has experienced the problem of most people was that the risks of Krankheiten with Darmkrebs and Herzkrankheiten erhöhen could be.

Suchen Sie nach Inspiratie? In this Gallery you will find a unique idea for a ballast-free Frühstück.

Avocado Toast

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Avocado Toast

Avocado is a dehydrated Quelle für Ballaststoffe. Sie in Scheiben and emptyen Sie sie auf Toast, um Ihren Körper tomorrows schnell and einfach with notnauwen Nährstoffen zu versorgen.

Chia pudding

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Chia pudding

Chias are a rich and ballast substance and can use a number of healthy digestion and drainage treatments with blockage linden. If you see an Esslöffel chiasamen in a halbe Tasse Milch Ihrer Wahl und lassen van de Mischung in Kühlschrank, er een puddingkunsten Konsistenz has been destroyed. With Beeren and Garnieren Samen.

Haferflocken with Mandeln and Beeren

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Haferflocken with Mandeln and Beeren

Start by heating the peel and combining other fiber-free materials such as mandels and beers.

Omelette with Gemüse and Avocado

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Omelette with Gemüse and Avocado

The combination of egg white eggs with ballast material leaves the avocado with a satisfying fresh snack, which will keep you happy for a long time.

Ballast material chips Banana brot

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Ballast material chips Banana brot

Herkömmliches Bananenbrot is included in the Regulation of Protein and Fiber. If you are a manding or cooking company and a mixed company, the ballast content can be a problem and become uncomplicated.


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A large sugar carton is perfect, fiber-free food for reloading eggs and fiber-free gems. Für Süßkartoffel-Toast cut a rohe Süßkartoffel in thin slices and rösten then in Ofen.

Protein Smoothie with Beeren and Leinsamen

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Protein Smoothie with Beeren and Leinsamen

A quick and delicious Frühstück. If you use the fiber content of your smoothies, you can use your beer and gemahlene lein together. There is no mention of a protein that contains plump or kefir.

Quinoa Schüssel with Eggs and Gemüse

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Quinoa Schüssel with Eggs and Gemüse

Quinoa is gluten-free and fiber-free and can be mixed in large quantities and prepared in the kitchen for a quick, fresh meal. For a delicious Frühstück you can serve purchased Quinoa with Eggs and Gemüse.

Blaubeer-Muffin from Mandelmehl

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Blaubeer-Muffin from Mandelmehl

Spoiled by the Mandelmehl and the All Zweckmehl in Rezepten wie Blaubeer-Muffins, een ballaststoffcontent op erhöhen. I consider the normal nature of the material contained in the nature of the ballast materials.


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Start your morning reading Frühstückstacos! Fill it with ballast-free products, such as bohnen and gemstones.

Ballaststuffreiches Toastbrot with Nussbutter and Schnittener Banane

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Ballaststuffreiches Toastbrot with Nussbutter and Schnittener Banane

Bananas are rich and resistant to fibers that can damage the intestinal tract. Streichen Sie een Nussbutter Ihrer Wahl auf das Toastbrot and stale Sie es with einer in Scheiben geschnittenen Banane.


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Normally it is not the case that the frühstück is heard, it is a frühstückssalats a bequeme and costlichkeit, the ballaststoffzufuhr zu erhöhen.

Parfait with Greek Yoghurt

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Parfait with Greek Yoghurt

Griechischer Joghurt is a balanced protein quelle. Combine with ballast-free Beeren, Müsli, Nüssen or Samen for a complete Frühstück.

Shakshuka with avocado

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Shakshuka with avocado

Tradition with Shakshuka with preparing eggs in a tomato and jelly sauce. Once an avocado has been cut into the halves, it becomes a ballast-free fruit piece.


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If you haven’t eaten smoothies yet, you can use them with a Smoothie-Schüssel, which has a thick consistency. Vergessen Sie nicht, ballaststoffreiche Zutaten wie Chiasamen and Beeren zu used.

Ballaststoffreicher Frühstückswrap

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Ballaststoffreicher Frühstückswrap

Wählen Sie a ballast-free Wrap, such as a wrap based on leinsamen, and fill your can with scrambled eggs or fried eggs, gemstones and bohnen.


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Spoiled with coconut nussmehl and all-purpose meal, an airy, saturated and ballast-free Pfannkuchen-zuzubereiten. Garnier Sie sie mit frischem Obst, gehackten Nüssen and a Spritzer Ahornsirup.

Spicy Haferflocken with Eggs, Spinat and Pilzen

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Spicy Haferflocken with Eggs, Spinat and Pilzen

Haferflocken are a simple replacement for the Haferflocken and can be used with ballast dust-free devices.

Hausgemachtes Nussmusli

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Hausgemachtes Nussmusli

Couples Sie Ihr eigenes ballaststoffreiches Granola with Zutaten wie Hafer, Mandeln, Kürbiskernen and Kokosflocken hair. It is a good way to cook with Chia-Pudding, Joghurt-Parfait and Smoothie-Schüsseln.

Toast with zerdrückten Erbsen

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Toast with zerdrückten Erbsen

For some simple and cheap ballast-free frühstückzerdrücken, buy Erbsen op de Toast and geben Olivenöl, Zitronensaft, Salz and Pfeffer Darüber.


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A vegetarian preparation is a delicious and satisfying option that is sufficient with fibres. It’s beyond the gut of Vollkorntoast.

Green Smoothie

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Green Smoothie

Smoothies can be prepared with fresh material, ballast material and complete packaging. Grüne Smoothies are also fiber-free if Spinat, Grünkohl, Spirulina or Chlorella are used.

Ballast-free Waffeln with Erdnussbutter and cut Äpfeln

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Ballast-free Waffeln with Erdnussbutter and cut Äpfeln

Backing or buying Sie gefrorene Waffeln with Leinsamen or Chiasamen, which usually require a higher Ballast material content. Top your waffle with Erdnussbutter and geschnittenen Äpfeln or mandelbutter and chia marmalade.

Enjoy toast with yoghurt

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Enjoy toast with yoghurt

Feige auf Toast with Joghurt is super quick and lonely, intestinal for the intestines and vegetarian.

Backed Egg with Tomato and Pepper

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Backed Egg with Tomato and Pepper

Fried egg biscuits with tomatoes and peppers are a delicious and healthy snack with their very tasty preparations. Serving is with whole wheat toast for a crispy Nährstoffschub.

Geschnittene Äpfel with Mandelbutter

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Geschnittene Äpfel with Mandelbutter

Knowing Vielleicht Sie das alte Sprichwort: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Nun, they were Mandelboter and the krönen Sie is with a few nusses and dunkler Schokolade for a sweet and nahrhaften Snack for Swiss duration.


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Bevorzugen Sie ein leichtes Frühstück? Start preparing a crisp and fresh bruschetta while the tomato sauce is safe.

Buchweizen-Pfannkuchen and Joghurt

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Buchweizen-Pfannkuchen and Joghurt

Buckwheat is a ballast-free filling that can be removed from the haferflocken or left pure. Backen Sie Pfannkuchen with Buchweizenmehl, and geben Sie Beeren as a topping for sister antioxidants Hinzu. For more protein, you can supplement your food with the best natural foods.

Quellen: (Health) (Real Simple) (Olive Magazine) (Taste)

Also interesting: Gesunde Joghurt-Kombinationen für ein delicious Frühstück