
Kommission für Teilhabe von Kindern startet |

Kommission für Teilhabe von Kindern startet |

Hesse will hear more about Kinder. The Donnerstag is the first session of the Commission “Demokratie und Teilhabe leben – Beteiligung junior Menschen stärken” in Wiesbaden.

The Landtag established the committee in September with the support of the CDU, SPD, Grünen and FDP in the Enthaltung of the AfD. The Commission is prepared to proceed with clear negotiations. Sozialministerin Heike Hofmann (SPD) told the Deutschen Presse-Agentur: “Children’s rights in Hesse are part of the country’s fassung. If the Umsetzung no longer exists, the country’s government will be in disarray.”

Young people must concern themselves with separating from their unsatisfactory world of life, which is part of the Gestaltung of the öffentlichen Räumen in Communes. Also, be sure to check out the Perspektive junior citizens for more insight.

Quelle:, dpa/lhe