
Wiesn-Courage-Preis 2024: Auszeichnung für Retter in höchster Not

Wiesn-Courage-Preis 2024: Auszeichnung für Retter in höchster Not

Joerg “JT” K. (48 years old) had a life for a few years, his life and another person for more change. On the Heimweg of the Oktoberfest, between Zelten and the U-Bahn station Schwanthalerhöhe, the brand is a woman in Boden. Most people went on eight times for a while, I thought they intervened and schlafe in Rausch aus. However, JT noted that this was not the case. If you want to enjoy like this, it’s a great party, you’ll have more luck and less Luft. There is a direct reason for a woman to resuscitate her.

The woman could be rettet – and they would have experienced that day when they both had a new tradition: Jedes Jahr, on the month of Oktoberfest, when they stand together on the weed. It is at this time that one of these things is a passion, and the situation is so good that the trade is in a Happy End mündete.

Don’t look away, without looking back

‘I am one of a kind’, so Joerg “JT” K., „Their women are happy, they are happy and they are happy in a friendly relationship with each other.” Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter stated: “Zivilcourage is always an important theme – not yet in the Zelten, regardless of the joint festivities and the future. . We said hello to Joerg K., weil there A woman needs a hat, who ends up in a living situation. No one will ever make a bid if he is on the Boden. Joerg K. is the boss and saved the woman’s wife. I would like to have more friends, we would like to have more people, so that we can have other benefits and support!” Oberbürgermeister Reiter concretet, the Wiesn-Courage-Preis of greater Bedeutung sei, um the People’s Respekt and Zivilcourage näherzubringen.

Frederik Kronthaler, Vorstand von Condrobs, unterstrich de Bedeutung von Respekt und Zivilcourage: „Unser Präventionsprojekt WiesnGentleman* und de Wiesn-Courage-Preis propose a clear Zeichen: Verantwortung und Respekt in Umgang miteinander sind die Grundpfeiler eines harmonische Zusammenlebens. Zivilcourage said that it is in large quantities, who is a winner of a full-fledged hat, aber auch in weiteren Situations: einschreiten, wenn jemand bedrängt wird; halves, wenn a Kind seine Eltern verliert; if you orient a human, this works. Never thrown away, as long as it is respectful and has a baked crust – it is the Soul of the WiesnGentleman* and the Wiesn-Courage-Preis.”

Glücklicher Wiesn-Courage-Preis-Gewinner

JT war is bad, but there are more jury stims than ever. „I am happy with my decision on this matter“, thus der Gewinner. “I see it as a duty to help oneself, there is not. It was not the case that Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter and Condrobs were ausgezeichnet, is really an Ehre for me. I am happy, that is the reason why people are motivated, that they are good people.”

After a few photos and interviews sich der Gewinner des Wiesn-Courage-Praises das traditional Mittagessen in der Käfer Wiesn-Schmecken, zurde zurde in Anschluss en de Preisverleihung eingeloaded.

Was he just a Wiesn-Courage-Preisräger* in us?

Ob Hilfe in Brenzligen Situation or Eintreten für Anstand und een baked Miteinander: Respekt und Zivilcourage zegen geht in verschiedener Weise. If the situation is cool, personal boundaries are respectful and hilfsbereit for other einsetzt, which deserves this Auszeichnung. Please take care that you do not have to bring yourself into Gefahr, under Hilfe zu holen. Condrobs have a stellvertretend for most cases chosen for a baked Oktoberfest, the Wiesn-Courage-Preis.

Prominent Jury such as Gewinner*in aus

Diesjährige Jury, besthend from WiesnGentleman*-Hauptbotschafter Stefan Murr (Schhauspieler), Johanna Bittenbinder (Schhauspielerin), Max von Thun (Schhauspieler), Silja Steinberg (Wiesnwirtin des Höfbräuzelt), Otto Lindinger (Wiesnwirt von Bodo’s Cafézelt & Cocktailbar und Sprecher der kleineen Wiesnzelte ) and Clarissa Käfer (Feinkost Käfer) have won the Wiesn-Courage-Preis 2024.