
Long-term calculation: 1000 Euro Prämie for one year planted in the regular track

Long-term calculation: 1000 Euro Prämie for one year planted in the regular track

The prize of 1000 euros
Belohnung für Bürgergeldempfänger, which is worked for a year

The CSU speaks of “blankem Hohn”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sees an economy existing for a day: citizens who have a regulatory job and who can use their minds for a year can earn about 1000 euros. So a früher setback in the social system was prevented.

The Federal Government is planning a 1,000-euro bonus for citizens’ allowances, which will last a year. An entsprechende des Gesetzes zur modernization van de Arbeitslosenversicherung und Arbeitsförderung beschloss das Kabinett am Mittwoch, met die Bundeswirtschaftsministerium jetzt mitteilte.

With the help of the “regular regulation, after the development of the management policy”, it is clear that the economic ministry. “Langzeitslose sollen because of the state-like conditions of the wind and the loss.” The decline in the social system could only be prevented.

If you give the price “a weight of the high transfer tax with a tax on citizens’ money”. Beschäftigungen mit niedrigeren Einkommen were “unattractive” by high Abzüge beim Bürgergeld, Kinderzuschlag and Livinggeld.

This problem is “in the rule of law of the judge”, concrete of the Ministerium. “Die Prämie weist een Ausweg here.” The State and the Bundeshaushalt have used their “relevant cost parnisse”, while there are Leistungen einspare and sisterätzliche Steuern and Beiträge einnehme.

Idea open to all three coalition partners

The “Bild”-Zeitung schrieb, the Prämie sei von Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck von de Grünen be “erdacht”. Dies wies sein Ministerium zurück. The fact is that this is one of the consequences of the Federal Government within the framework of the Wachstums initiative. The Grundidee for Vorschlag stems from the Institut für Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung (IAB) of the Federal Agency for Labor. In the implementation of the Wachstums initiative, everyone’s idea that the coalition partners can start and grow. “The Federal Government also follows the Erkenntnissen der Arbeitsmarktforschung.”

The political core of the Ampel Coalition is the idea of ​​power. Social expert Frank Bsirske from the Grünen said about the “Bild”-Zeitung, there is no longer an end to the Prämie for inherited orderlich. “The very top of people in citizen money is a job anyway, if the chance is high.” The FDP House politician Frank Schäffler said: “Das Vorhaben ist een Unding. The Ausgaben explodieren en jetzt schon. The Prämie must be stopped in the Bundestag.”

CSU General Martin Huber was criticized for the “Bild”, the 1000 Euro premium was “blind to death, which would remain in the job for years”. Die Ampel has de sociable fried und gieße damit noch mehr oil ins Feuer.