
Jahrestag 7. October – Hunderte demonstrate in Berlin zum Jahrestag des Massakers – Panorama

Jahrestag 7. October – Hunderte demonstrate in Berlin zum Jahrestag des Massakers – Panorama

Berlin (dpa) – Bereits vor dem Jahrestag am 7. Oktober remember Hunderte Menschen in Berlin with Kundgebungen and demonstrations and the Hamas-Massaker in Israel and the Gaza-Krieg. Knapp 500 Polizisten and Polizisten are in the Einsatz, who has the Polizië on the Online Platform X. If you have a large home on a large scale, chances are the renovations will take longer.

Other people in Germany may have demonstrations. In Hamburg, hundreds of demonstrators and demonstrators united against the Gaza Strip. The protest against the Federal Office’s defense of the Verfassungsschutz starts in the Hauptstadt.

Platform X

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Propalästinensische demonstration in Tempelhof

Hundreds of people gathered in Berlin at the Platz der Luftbrücke in the Nähe des Polizeipräsidiums for a propaganda demonstration with the title “Ein Jahr Genozid – und die Welt schaut zu. Gegen Polizeigewalt“. The police estimated the teilnehmerzahl zum Start der Versammlung auf 500, went aber davon aus, that weitere Menschen dazustoßen. The demonstrators wollen von Tempelhof cross through Kreuzberg to Brandenburger Tor.

Many of the Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmer presented Palästina Flags, with paintings depicting “Free Palestine”. Auf a large, with a clear picture Transparent stand “Stop Israel’s Blood Genoicide” (Stoppt Israel’s Blood-Völkermord). In Reason, German Waffenlieferungen nach Israel were critical. The Tonfall war is aggressive. More protesters took photos of police investigating and agitating police.

In the center there are demonstrators pro Israel (Photo: Joerg Carstensen/dpa)

Pro-Israelische Kundgebung in Berlin-Mitte

Before the Humboldt-Universität, many people gathered together for a pro-Israeli culture, which went during Berlin-Mitte. Die Polizei sprach von schätzungsweise 650 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern. Some of the different things in Israel. On a large banner, the motto of the world will read: “Against the anti-Semitic International”. Auch Mitglieder der leftradicalen Antifa-Bewegung beteiligten sich. If you’re waging a poster war, you need to reclaim ‘antifa. emanzipation statt anti-Semitism”.

The demonstration takes place at the end of a major battle caused by the police. There are a few 20-member groups that have protested against the drängen. Polizisten see a written, so der Sprecher. It was not yet tested, but it is a person from the propalästinensische lower trade.

For a year on October 7, 2023, terrorists from Hamas and other extremist groups have won more than 1,200 people in Israel and killed 250 people in the Gaza Strip. The war in the Gaza Krieg, in the fight against Hamas controls, has cost an amount of 42,000 Palestinians, and a Drittel davon Kinder and Jugendliche.

Israelfeindliche Ausrufe, Fahnen burnt

During propalästinensische demonstrations on Berliner Alexanderplatz, the Israeli roads Israeli Ausrufe and Aktionen were written. After the Behördenangaben gab es am Freitagabend zehn forübergehende Festnahmen. In one fall a man dies, one of the people with the motto “Mahnwache für Gaza” Papierfahnen van de Staates Israël.

During a ceremony with the title “Stops the Krieg” with 100 Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmern in the Spitze etwa, the police were informed about Israel’s feindliche beziehungsweise Israel diffamiende Parolen. The versammlungsleitung can be adapted to the human form.

The Polizei-war nach eigenen Angaben met etwa 400 Beamten vor Ort. Other ways were devised to deceive the minds of the interests of the conscious advocates and terrorist organizations, this is so.

The mumbling is an elf on the road of the thoughts of the loss of nutrition and the erziehungspflichtermittelt. The background is that the police are dismissed during the ‘Stop the Krieg’ by minors who have no criminal interest.

Gewerkschaft erwartet „dynamic Low“

The police company works in society over the years in the capital a “city white, dynamic low”. Zum Jahrestag himself, ben Montag, became 2,000 Beamten im Einsatz sein with the Police. It’s more a matter of thinking and protesting.

The Berlin Innensenatorin Iris Spranger (SPD) is passionate about the anti-Semitic autumn. Berliner Polizisten en Einsatzkräfte from other Bundesländern anyway die Bundespolizei würden Straftaten with all Konsequenz sequels, such as Spranger. The police have done their utmost, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nancy Faeser (SPD) confirms.

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