
Terminal station Jugendknast: “Auffangbecken für all das, was in unserem Land schiefläuft”

Terminal station Jugendknast: “Auffangbecken für all das, was in unserem Land schiefläuft”

It is on February 4, 2023 in the Jugendhaftanstalt Schleswig. During a period of 21 years, which was not covered by social therapeutic treatment, the treatment of the disease in Zelle presented itself. As one of the first ones out there, it’s worth using personal Anstalts in his pre-order.

Kurz nach Öffnung der Haftraumtür spielten sich unfassbare Szenen ab.

The path we take and the search for a way out of Germany is the conscription that justifies her, if she is broke, if she sins, that is one thing. A message will appear in your “Personen-Notsignal-Gerät”, with the alarm being switched off, then it is the Anstaltsschlüssel road.

Quickly 30 Minutes keeps the Gefangene die schwer verletzte Frau in seiner Gewalt. “The first time a council entered the fire extinguishing and followed the fire spurs on the flurboden, the alarm was canceled and the geiselnahme used,” so a Mitarbeiter of the Einrichtung zu FOCUS online. The woman should not be cared for or discussed in the Krankenhaus.

Jugendgefängnisse: “Immer mehr Gewaltausbrüche”

Aggression, violence, anger at Justizmitarbeiter – in the Jugendanstalt Schleswig with his beef 100 Haftplätzen ist das – leader – fast trauriger Alltag. All in the past both Monats are able to follow the insights of the insiders with three sogenannten “HSP-Einsätzen”. The Buchstaben sthen für: Helmet, Shield, Pfefferspray.

It is possible that the haftraum is a renitenten-gefangeneen of an e-insatzteam with three full zugsbediensteten in the credit protection, gestürmt and der Straftäter in a further gesicherten haftraum.

“The youthful criminal justice system has grim consequences,” says Henry Malonn vom Bund der Strafvollzugsbediensteten Deutschland (BSBD) gegenüber FOCUS online. Malonn is Vizechef der Fachgewerkschaft in Schleswig-Holstein. If you want to know more, you can “mittels unmittelbaren Zwangeres” over time, says there.

BSBD Federal Chief René Müller knows the situation in the Jugendhaftanstalten in the Außerhalb Schleswig-Holsteins. “Overall in Germany we are faced with major problems,” he said. “If you make an anstalt, it gets better, the Umgangston becomes more aggressive and can provide a lot of competition. Experience life ever more Gewalstbrüche under the prisoners and Angriffe on our military workers.”

About the Frage, wer für the negative Entwicklung verantwortlich ist, Müller said: “Of course it is so often with the German Tätern, and then with the Angriff on the Beamtin in Schleswig.” . Moreover, the Kriegs- and Krisengebiet are easily hiked, and go to the Nahen and Mittleren East in North Africa. “That is a serious explosion.”

“Auffangbecken für all das, was in unserem Land schiefläuft”

Müller: “In my own country it is often taught that conflict is steamrolled. And if you want even more, you can send the Faustrecht in our direction through woolen, self-generated Beamten. The fact that young people are born is uncanny.”

Employees in the Jugendhaftanstalten were subjected to massive abuse and deception, the acknowledgment of the BSBD Federal Chief. If the verbal anger is common in Arabic, most people can follow the attack on each other. “It’s a matter of shock.”

“If we live in our own country, in the last year we will never have to deal with the situation in our country,” so Müller zu FOCUS online. “In its own direction lies the anteil and young Straftätern mit Migrationshintergrund bei 80 Prozent.”

Man can no longer have a Kamm shave. “Aber Fakt ist, dass etliche dieser Jugendlichen ihre Aggressionen and ihre Gewalt auch in Haftanstalten ausleben.” There was no question of a psychological disorder and the need to work with medication.

René Müller concretes, the Sister in the Jugendhaftanstalten sees a Spiegelbild-unserer Gesellschaft. „We have been living together for all that, was in a separate country, and also in the context of migration and migration.“

Because the young Kriminellen are concerned with and for all resozialization of your assets, it is often personal. Müller: “Wir können nur courten, dass die Große Mehrzahl der Jugendlichen nach Verbüßung ihrer Strafe wieder auf de Richigen Weg finden and seich an die Gesetze halten.”