
My first trip with a caravan: 4 things that never happened

My first trip with a caravan: 4 things that never happened

My first trip with a caravan: 4 things that never happened

Business Insider Editor Hendrikje Rudnick.
Hendrik Rudnick

Business Insider Editor Hendrikje Rudnick has been working on a house in Germany for a week.

It is not that there is a change over time, but neither is it a complete equipment.

Here’s four things that don’t work so well.

A new attack, the corona pandemic in the Arbeitswelt, is the power that is becoming mobile. Those who have many other employees and workers can use their home office equipment over the years. In September it will be a matter of another country being able to make a trip through Germany.

Deshalb started with an experiment. With a caravan in Germany through Germany: Berlin, Leipzig, Thüringer Wald, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Frankfurt, Cologne – and see more about Berlin. Here since four things, mine trip was erschwert haben:

1. Die Zeitplanung

If the man is on the road with his caravan, everything will take a little longer. The fact is that the Tag is noticeable. Said Navigation, that I would be able to stretch even further, without having to worry about three different paths – so don’t forget.

Ursprünglich war my plan, tagsüber immer mal wieder für a stunde zu fahren. Zum Beispiel, als ich von Leipzig in de Thuringer Wald fuhr. Laut meiner Karten-App sollte die Fahrt etwa Anderethalb Stunden dauern. I will also be ready to work tomorrow. If there are some beautiful equipment, the shape tags become one-off in Richtung Thüringer Wald. If I give hints during the first half of the stretch, I can spend the rest of the day reassuring and making sure I am in Ziel bin. If you think a little longer, my time plan is not good enough.

If there is a day when the efforts can be continued and more time will be spent with a certain amount of time. A war that has started, but not so cleverly – people will first be gewöhnen. The principle behind it is: We are quick to convey our will and our punishments. This plan, so that I can survive, and with a living vehicle that works properly.

2. Das Fahren in der Großstadt

In my text on this subject, its functioning is written, while the highway on the highway works for my war. The complete Gegenteil trifft jedoch in Städten zu. With a length of 7.35 meters, a width of 2.32 meters and a height of 2.9 meters, the house is not small. A man cannot use the mirror, but both can provide a mirror for orientation. Dazu comes to a store, there is a large store.

The war for me has become stronger, the inner city of Berlin, Frankfurt or Cologne, where Verkehr ist and many Fahrradfahrer are on the road. When a large city orients itself, it is with a normally greater power, with a caravan war for a real re-organization. If you don’t generate an autofahrer, you can’t wait until the next Ampel wollen, drägeln or hupen. For a trip to the city, when the man might want to see the inside of the city, a residential mobility that is also not unauthorized.


Costs, Fahren, Parks: I was clearing a solution when I bought a Wohnmobil wollt

3. Find Stellplätze

The Wohnmobil is 7.35 meters long, 2.32 meters wide and 2.9 meters high.

The Wohnmobil is 7.35 meters long, 2.32 meters wide and 2.9 meters high.
Hendrik Rudnick

Who schon gesagt: So a house is big. If all goes well, people cannot go to all the parks. Man has a Parkplatz, in the man gut one- and ausparken kann, ohne dabei other zu behind it. In most cities there is an extra large Wohnwagen-Stellplätze, for the man who is looking for Stromanschlüsse, Frischwasser or Sanitäranlagen. But I still have to party, the platform is only getting bigger.

If Beispiel meine Ankunft in Heidelberg: If I am at a Stellplatz at 7.30 p.m., then the mirror on the Voraus is herausgeschucht hatte, ergatterte ich the letzten freien Platz. Then you notice that it is a message on the bank and a statistical concert. Indefinite music, on jeden Fall war es sehr, sehr laut. If my power is over Abendbrot, I can make a film that doesn’t even give a clear image, the music is all-consuming. On the next page, if you have a long concert, the time when the Parkplatzbesitzer starts is perhaps 0 Uhr Ruhe ist.

Genervt beschloss ich, auf another Stellplatz zu fahren – laut App sollte der nur 20 Minuten entfernt sein. Once you have started, you can see a larger Schild den Weg: „Alle Plätze beige“. A new Stellplatz must also be such that the Mittlerweile war starts at 9 p.m. If you have such a attitude when you have had a party, the platforms were filled again or no guests arrived after 8 p.m. Let me be happy then in Mannheim, so that I can quickly return home.

Mein Tipp an euch: Versucht am best, schon nachmittags auf dem Stellplatz zukommen, damit ihr einen Platz bekommt. There are a few parks that can be damaged and fragmented, but it wasn’t free. Reservations no longer apply to most stelplätze, if your time extends. Apps with the “Stellplatz-Radar” from Promobil and the “camping app” of the woman on the Stellplatz say which is Stellplätze in Germany and who the latter is.

4. The temperature Schwankungen

Technically speaking, Glück fell – no rain, no Sturm, no Gewitter. Wer jedoch schon inmal campen war, weiß: If the temperature lasts too long, the night may not last longer. Also, I must make this legacy leader.

If tomorrow there is a night waiting for a stellte fest, this night will become war. It’s been a while since I’ve had a certain time, but I do have a warm feeling. For the following night the fault is a – this function is incorrect or incorrect. Jedenfalls should see a sweater and cushion cover tomorrow. While the Tour was also in the South of Germany, where the temperature of the beer was higher, soft drinks and no more fries were required.

There is a problem with it being a good choice: if you look at your caravan in a wonderful sauna, you can enjoy going out. The temperature was 37 degrees Celsius in Wagen. With great air conditioning and open windows, the weather is cool, the living room is abzukühlen – so you can enjoy the night away from home.

Happy holidays with my trip to Germany, everything with things: Dicke Pullis, Kuschelsocken, warm Decken, aber auch Summer-Tops and Kleid. If you also take into account the temperature of the house in the autumn, when you travel with a caravan.


Working and traveling remotely in Germany? Unsere Editorin hat den Wohnmobil-Test gemacht

That Reise wouldn’t work vom Reisemobilhersteller Carado, welcher there is a caravan with a sold hat. Unsere Standards der Transparenz und journaliste Unabhaengigkeit can be found at

Der Text will be published in June 2021 and will be published and new in September 2024.