
Bürgergeld-Empfänger sollen Prämien cashiers – “Blanker Hohn”

Bürgergeld-Empfänger sollen Prämien cashiers – “Blanker Hohn”

If the citizen money is examined in Germany, it may also be the case that this is happening now in time. The ransom is sufficient as a financial bridge for arbitration thoughts, which may not cover life costs.

It is not the case that all Bürgergeld companies are motivated, wieder in Lohn and Brot zu kommen. If you are one year older, you plan the Federal Government a Prämie for Bürgergeld-Empfänger, the spirit is levied for a year. Der Vorschlag stößt alldings sogar bei Politikern der eigen Parteien der Ampel-Regierung auf heavy Kritik!

If you receive a “Bild” message, the company originates from the Economic Ministry under the Leitung von Vizekanzler Robert Habeck. Starting from January 1, 2025, you will receive a Bürgergeld-Empfänger, die in a sozialversicherungspflichtigen Job wechseln and diesem a year long, a Prämie von 1,000 Euro on top of the benefits.

Die von der Ampelregierung bezeichnete “Anschubfinanzierung” lehnen vale Politiker ab. “The 1,000 euro premium is a blank money-lender that will continue to work for years to come. The big problem of the social Frieden and the fact that it is no longer in his power, said and the CSU General Martin Huber. Auch FDP politician Frank Schäffler, Mitglied in Haushaltsausschuss, thought: “Das Vorhaben ist een Unding! The exploded animals and jetzt clean. Die Prämie muss im Bundestag was stopped!”

+++ Civil allowance: work without costs, slander – they dare to do it +++

Citizen Money-Vorhaben „is ein Unding“

Sogar Green social expert Frank Bsirke stopped the Prämie „not for inheritance orderlich“. Gegenüber “Bild” erklärt erklärt there: “Those very poor people in the citizen’s money still take a job and when the opportunity is over.” Reiner Holznagel, President of the Bundes for Steuerzahler, found the Plan Day “irritating! Wir zahlen Prämien, damit die Arbeitsaufnahme erolgt.”

More news on the theme:

The Minister of Justice Hubertus Heil of the SPD is the chairman of the Council, which prompts them to meet Olaf Scholz and the other Ampel minister. Eine Sprecherin von Robert Habeck argued: “Wir setzen Arbeitsanreize, damit more Menschen arbeiten. It is the gut for that economics, that people are raised.”