
Peaceful vacation: I have a remote job with peace of mind

Peaceful vacation: I have a remote job with peace of mind

Peaceful vacation: I have a remote job with peace of mind

Tobi Oluwole hat insgesamt zehn Monate lang en heimlich Urlaub von seinem Job als Verkaufsleiter gemacht, obwohl is officially nur three Monate Urlaub eingereicht hat.
Tobi Oluwole

Tobi Oluwole hat in the years 2022 and 2023 zehn Wochen lang a “Quiet Vacation”, also secretly Urlaub gemacht, which is a trip with a Tech-Unternehmen equipment hat.

Proud signaler Reisen hat Oluwole signal Team durch Delegation en Effizienz effektiv geführt.

It has been said that it is Urlaub in the production of power, we are so glücklich gewesen sei.

This is a machine that contains an article from Business Insider’s US columns. There is automatic processing and a real editing assignment.

This essay is based on a conversation with Tobi Oluwole, a 30-year story about a great technology created for the development of the Frankish Empire. If there is a Business Insider expert, the results may not have been generated. The following text comes from the length and clarity of presentation.

In the year 2022, I have already spent some time traveling, now that the office has officially opened. Statistics have a long and relaxing time – a European trip with my wife.

Before I had a job in June 2023 as a sales assistant at a big-tech company, which would last three weeks in those years, it would now be a week away. In the 15th month I have had control over the work I have done with my Remote-Jobs.

I think this is a “Quiet Vacation” for product development; The war is so bright that it is a world tour, and that is my job.


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“Quiet holiday” führte mich an vake Orte

I was born in Lagos, Nigeria, and lived in Brussels, Atlanta, Georgia, Tennessee, Toronto, Ottawa and Lyon and want to see more of the world. In June 2021, my wife and my house will come out of the closet because I have become my priority. Spater powers for a year with a Europareise.

My wife works in the technology sector, also insured with an AMEX-Aeroplan card, together with 2021 250,000 points and set in August 2022 for our Europe trip.

If you are in the world of holidays, you can make more friends in all other cities, and so spent on a “quiet holiday” was the time with relationships with friends and family. There is a live performance of an FC Barcelona football match at Camp Nou Stadium.

Oluwole at Fußballspiel in Barcelona.

Oluwole at Fußballspiel in Barcelona.
Tobi Oluwole

My travel route in the years 2022 and 2023


  • März: Cancun, Atlanta and Houston
  • April: Toronto
  • June: Orlando
  • July: San Francisco and Montreall
  • August: Rome and Amalfi Coast
  • September: Barcelona, ​​​​Lisbon, Paris and London
  • October: Los Angeles and Vancouver
  • November: Toronto and Austin


  • February: London
  • April: Punta Cana
  • May: Cancun

I see that the war is efficient and there is no mark anymore

I love my job and my team, and I have the best chef. This time is a battle coach and a team of eight teams. If you delegate, prioritize your goals, my help and the team member of the zuzuweisen, it is a trust, damit ich mein Ziel jedes Quartal erreichen konnte.

If I sag a while ago, if I have war, so if I want a ‘quiet holiday’ war, my chef is never busy anymore. Be that as it may, whatever it was, my first podium, offiziell-einzureichen, was not what I wanted.

If the main partner carries out a project war or an attack, he must leave the war, then the Zeit offiziell can be a fact. When a quarter war begins, projects are fun and in the time of the internal war in Canada, such as in Mexico, the United States, Vancouver and Toronto, become a little more secretive.


I have a secret environment, ohne my chef etwas zu sagen – but it is nach wenigen Tagen bereut

Auf Reisen can take place in the Rule nur two bis four Stunden pro Tag. A battle of Tagen must take longer, but the war will be more efficient. I don’t want there to be a brand change on my lenses.

A tag for a “Quiet Holiday” in Europe could look like this:

  • Get up at 8 or 9 am tomorrow and have some fun at the hotel
  • Mittagessen in the city and then a sightseeing tour, zum Beispiel a Boat tour in Amalfi or the Eiffel Tower in France
  • After 15 hours you can stay at the hotel, join the meetings and work until 19 hours
  • Then I live with my own women and their lives in the city

When I have Slack on my phone, the war stops and I have to say something. When my chef made a choice, he was cooking a fork, antwortete ich innerhalb eines Tages. There were no urgent wars, and my team and my colleagues were still not up to the task.

If I see that it can be there, then the end of the Tages is good, as long as the team of Leistungen erbringt and my Bewertungen gut sind.

Mein Rat für Menschen, die heimlich Urlaub machen wollen

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Solange ihr Leistung erbringt, wast ihr von weniger Leuten beobachtet. If I am here, then it is true that my team has left the leadership of Leistungen, then it could be in the whole world.

I thought I had a system, a message or an automation. If the time is blocked in my calendar, one of the impediments you can discuss, you can inform team colleagues about the schicken or the KI notes about teaching, and then with the appropriate background information.

Thanks to my ten colleagues in my team and the large system, which can work with eingeführt, can be shortened with all 1:1 meetings of a stunde to 15 to 30 minutes per week. A team leader teaches another Umsatz Tracker to create a message.

So if you see that Zahl has to be sure that you have a quote, there is an end to your Monats and Quartals erreichte. We will win the team prizes for surpassing the Quartalsziele – a war is a basketball game of Toronto Raptors and another man, a Wochenendausflug in a Ferienhaus am See.

Lernt, wie ihr Beit von Others erleden lassen könnt

If you’re in the Tagen, if you’re in the Urlaub war, you can provoke a war, but the thing is, you might get a team delegation. If I capitalize a team, then my first jump will be in team sports, when the tourist war continues, and the Leute stretches over the stars and the Schwächen. From now on Grund hat das Team fast nie seine Quote verfehlt.

My team war isn’t frustrating, it’s a secret power of Urlaub, going into battle. My chef says he has control over my work, my team is now completely alone. It’s worth it to experience motivation and inspiration.

Because it is true that my team is struggling and works in his favor, the money can make so much. If we hate a great Soul or if we lose our team in the fight against the war, it is a big problem, one of the Geschäfte attacks. If you enjoy consuming, if you have wussten, if you are in battle, it is not a war, and that can cause a lot of damage.


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We have written a concept, a team culture that is defined – zum Beispiel: “We will exceed the quote, but there will be a burnout”. If it is good, that is what Urlaub generates and in 100 percent trust, that is your Ziele erreichen würden.

I’m up to no time in dishing out the labor, and I’m still able to achieve one of the best results. If I have made a decision, then it is a trusted solution, I will not reimburse Mikromanagement. After all, when the war is gone, the leistungen will be caused by – no matter how difficult it is, we will no longer wool.

If you see “Nein” of your projects, it will no longer be possible to boost career souls

If a location does not last long or if there is an incorrect brand name, please let us know. If you do projects at the start, it is not that you have a kapazit and that you can avoid an unhealthy situation.

Baut etwas Eigenes außerhalb eures Jobs

This time I am in Linkedin-Publikum with more than 100,000 followers. I have developed and marketed a Karriere Bootcamp on Linkedin and have more brand partnerships.

I earn between 5,000 and 8,000 US dollars (4,500 to 7,300 euros) in a month from my 9-to-5 jobs. My Unternehmen have a 90-part ‘Work-from-anywhere’ guideline, which probably no longer holds up, because they are woollen, and if they focus on this guideline, it will not follow.

My own Nebenerwerb could be freien mich von dem Druck, follow all the rules strictly. When you’ve done a painting, with your journey and everything you can do.

See a chef who finds his product more treasured than a physical experience

Manchmal wurde ich von meinem Chef en manchmal sogar von Vorgesetzten to meinem Zeitplan en meiner Verfügbarkeit befragt, aber das kam selten voir un war kein großes Problem. I am in a war mood in my Job.

My team was always flexible. I’ve done some major maintenance and critical critiques of my immediate precautions. If my stelle is lost in the year 2023, then there is a three-year prozentige gehaltserhöhung.

I have Big Tech losses and my own lives are now

I lose the Unternehmenswelt before my 29. Geburtstag in June 2023, a full time and became a Linkedin Creator. I am with my wife in France, the ebenfalls ihren Job in a technological unternehmen aufgab. Since our jobs have been completed, we will be in 14 countries.


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Oluwole and seine Frau in Lisbon, Portugal.

Oluwole and seine Frau in Lisbon, Portugal.
Tobi Oluwole

I see that I have more and more wars to fight, and that I will find myself in a bigger technology war in my MBA education. Jetzt can travel my life after a longer time and travel further.

Unless the original article is about Business Insider.