
91 Absolventen an der Polizeiakademie in Hann. Munden

91 Absolventen an der Polizeiakademie in Hann. Munden

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91 Absolventen an der Polizeiakademie in Hann. Munden
The tradition of the Mützenwurf symbolizes the study of the bachelor courses and the mountain course in the Polizeiberuf. © Photo: Polizeiakademie Lower Saxony

Feierstunde in the Swiss Life Hall in Hannover for über 400 Bachelor’s graduates from the Polizeiakademie Niedersachsen.

More than 400 Absolventinnen and Absolventen of the Polizeiakademie Niedersachsen were admitted to the Swiss Life Hall in Hannover. 91 von Ihnen erhielten ihre Ausbildung am Akademiestandort in Hann. Munden, 42 women and 49 men. 135 studies in Nienburg and 156 in Oldenburg. With 2500 guests, Daniela Behrens, the Lower Saxony Minister for Internal Affairs and Sports, was awarded the academic degree “Bachelor of Arts” and became Police Commissioners and Police Commissioners, part of the Police Academy. The most successful elections have emerged in the politics of democracy and accountability, while political power revives a little, it lasts longer.

In her Ansprache, the Minister of the Interior Daniela Behrens said about the Mitteilung: “The Polizei is the most important Schutzschild that excludes democracy. Spätesten mit dem heutigen Tage ist es Ihre Aufgabe, Sicherheit zu gewährleisten en de Rechte jeder single Citizens and jedes single Citizens zu schützen. Your new Police Commissioner and your new Police Commissioner can beitragen, that is the people in our own country who are safe and happy. “Dadurch, that you are welcome to join us, you will be happy to eat in our shared community.”

Carsten Rose, director of the Polizeiakademie Niedersachsen, stated in his signal speech that Teamarbeit im Polizeidienst. “Gemeinsam sind is grim. The herausforderungen, who lie for us, can now surprise our team. Our new Polizeikommissarinnen and Polizeikommissarinnen have started their last time, a new role is a positive influence on our Gesellschaft, where Rose sits.

The Verabsolvence would have happened with the tradition of the Mützenwurf, most of the Absolventinnen and Absolvents of an emotionally high level, so the Mitteilung. “The moment marks the end, without the beginning of a new, exciting journey,” where Rose continues to sit.

The new Police Commissioners and Commissioners took up their duties in the entire Lower Saxony on October 1. (Ekkehard Maass)