
Well-being for healthy health: Problems at work place in Lahr im Fokus – Lahr

Well-being for healthy health: Problems at work place in Lahr im Fokus – Lahr

At the Weltwoche für selische Gesundheit we present ourselves in the latest institutions. Im Focusing on special changes and potential at the working place. Los Geht is a Diesem Montag.

Since 1992, the World Federation of Mental Health (kurz WFMH, zu deutsch Weltverband der mentalen Gesundheit) has been founded on October 10, the Welttag für seelische Gesundheit aus. One of these tags will cause a change in the functioning of the mark on the urgent preventive and psychological care being targeted.

2024 The motto of the motto “Hand in Hand for good health at the workplace”. Auch in Lahr stehen on den 10. Oktober verschiedene Aktionen an. The company became active in a press conference.

Eveline Hug, the leader of the psychiatric clinic, starts working on the background: the WFMH concrete with the motto of mental health care, which can develop in the form of the form. This Tatsache is only in the Beziehung zum steigen Walk der Arbeitswelt mit Aspects wie Globalisierung and Digitization were setzt. So verursachen maximum experience will hug those meisten Ausfalltage bei der Arbeit.

Impulse and Discussion Run: “Wen(n) Work crazy power” in the Tagesklinik Lahr (Monday, October 7, 6:30 p.m.): Cuddly plant, at the Veranstaltung Daten und Fakten aufzuzeigen. Other people want to know that it is good health. So see a person lose a higher psychic power. “Nichtsdestotrotz is not the factors that contribute to the work, but it is not healthy,” so hug. If you have taken any of the preventive measures, it is worth loading your interlocutor. Dazu zählen Marco Di Sabatino (Gesellschaft zur Förderung psychisch Kranker Offenburg, Bereich Jobcoaching) and Bettina Schlegel (Schwerbehindertenvertreterin, Suchtausschuss der Firma Herrenknecht). Das Ende is finished at 8:30 PM.

Jubiläumsfeier „Die Brücke“ im Großen Pflugsaal, VHS-Zentrum Lahr (Donnerstag, October 10, from 6 p.m.): Der Verein is a Hilfsgemeinschaft für Menschen in global Not. It is a matter of dealing with a problem with krisenerfahrenen, anxiety disorders, psychiatric disorders and active citizens. Ziel ofs Vereins is a kind of care in the Beteiligten. Zum 30-Jährigen (wir messageeten) give buntes Rahmenprorgramm. So the association is a successful project presentation. The moderate übernimmt Walter Caroli, gave a piece of the first mayor Guido Schöneboom, who has the Schirmherrschaft in his hat. Ebenso is for the musical untermalung organization. At 7.15 pm it is ready for Kabarettist Volkmar Staub’s preparation on stage. Oben druf verspricht der Verein nor culinary Köstlichkeiten.

Information stand and Rahmenprogramm at the Schlossplatz (Samstag, October 12, from 10 a.m.): From 4 p.m. there is a psychosocial development of the municipal psychiatric centers (GPZ) Lahr. The Veranstaltung is 12 hours from Oberbürgermeister Markus Ibert, the Schirmherr of the Veranstaltung, eröffnet. Das Reha-Werkstatt-Backmobil offers Flammkuchen and plays the Formation „Gemeinsam Eins“. The working statt of the psychiatric organization of the psychiatric organization offers self-confident creative products, which support the AWO Hedwig-Wachenheim-Haus and BeWo Betreutes Wohnen with Kaffee and Kuchen. “It is a challenge, no more than the heranzukommen of the Population,” explains Sachgebietsleiterin Heike Barthruff for the social-psychiatric service Landratsamt Lahr. So neither sold nor available Hemmschwellen was abgebaut. The social psychiatric service is a study in anxiety. With the information modes it is possible for the setting to connect to the rearrangement of the setting.

Tag der offenen Tür in der Tagesstätte des Caritasverbands Lahr (Freitag, 18. October, from 15 Uhr): The Tagesstätte can have psychological disorders that help people, more clearly in the light with their illness through erhalten. The Soul of Angebote is that you can use a Alltagsgestaltung to contact more and start with other affected beizutragen. At 3 p.m. it starts in the Tagesstätte of the “Markt der Möglichkeiten”. Here a man can get to know his knowledge, information, skills and inspiration. From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. there was a Kleidertausch party in Zusammarbeit with Young Caritas on the program. You can receive guests with the Kleiderschranking and sich for Ort with new Sachen Ausstatten. There is also coffee and tea and a small buffet.


The international association WFMH was founded in 1948. The company’s work is concerned with mental health, the prevention of mental disorders, interest management and the generation of positive health and well-being.