
For 175 years Edgar Allan played Poe

For 175 years Edgar Allan played Poe

Pop culture thanks the author of the Wort Detective: Before 175 Years Ago by Edgar Allan Poe. A mysterious story, poems about great gifts and world literature, you can use this information.

When the American scribe Edgar Allan Poe started one of the grocery stores in Richmond in 1849 for the Tür Trat, the Schöpfer grew so often that Fantasies would get their own dabs that no longer existed. A man sitting in a city of 150 miles in the city of Baltimore is given alcohol or dry substances in the worst pain. There was such an elegant Mann war in the war, before Schmutz made the Starrende Sachen clay, which never came into his power.

Edgar Allan Poe appeared tomorrow, October 7, for 175 years and liked it. Was I in the Tagen seines Verschwindens wider fahren ist, ist bis heute nicht sicher cleared. War is Straßenraub? Geriet Poe at a local Wahlkampf in the hands of the skrupelloser and bolder stimmenfänger, who prügelten in mehrfach zurne? The war that is no longer clear to Verstand is a fact.

Urknall des Krimis

Cat Tod could use the material for one of his own detectives. Both Gattungen owe the Weltliteratur diesem great Autor. The work of the detectives can no longer take place in pop culture.

Allen started painting the Kurzgeschichte “Der Doppelmord in der Rue Morgue” in 1841 with an art history of the Crimea. Just try to pick out a fictional error if you’re looking for a detective. Auguste Dupin dealt with the prototype of analytical researchers, Ur-Ahn of Sherlock Holmes and others.

“Poe was a master of the effect. There was a war going on over the figures and the image of the fear, the catastrophe, the sogs and the scaffolding to serve as zum Äußersten, writes the literary scholar Wolfgang Martynkewicz in his Poe-Biography. “Whoever is a Magician with the pleasure in the world, who is no longer and aesthetically inszenierte, is impressed by his life, his existence.”

Edgar Allan Poe has taken a lot of people under his wing, who is such a good author for his thought Photo: Historical archive Imago/Granger

Pioneer of the Modern

They lived happily ever after with their own work in mind. There is a “First Anleitung für den Muschelforscher”, war in Schulbuch. Lediglich das Vorwort stemmte wirklich von Poe.

Once you have a course, you can feel like you have a different knowledge, it is the best choice for the most influential American Scripture: Seine romantisch schauer-erzählungen energieen in zum wegbereiter der modern. Daneben setzte is mit meisterhaften Gedichten Maßstäbe.

Seine messerscharf sezierenden Detektivgeschichten are der Welt’s most common Krimis der Welt. Brilliant statements about ‘Der Untergang des Hauses Usher’, ‘Die Grube und das Pendel’, ‘Die Maske des roten Todes’ or ‘Der Goldkäfer’ have been learned by generations of young and old people.

Bis heute üben Poes Geschichten een unbrederstehliche Faszination aus. Obwohl is often grotesquely overdreht and occasiontlich neither nor ultimately in itself stimmig, seen by the Leser unweigerlich in Bann. There is a rule over Raben and modern Affen, a lebendig Begrabene and the Geister von Toten, a Okkultes and Satanisches, Tod and Verfall.

Abgründe de mensschlichen Unterbewusstseins

Although there are many people who have different opinions, the truth is that the author did his own thing. If you want to see for yourself, if you want to see the biographers, you can do more damage when a human works.

Am January 19, 1809 Born as a Child of Wanderschauspielern in Boston, his father is his father. The mumbling stirs through the madness and anxiety, as Edgar said. Der kleine Junge comes into a foster family.

If the problem occurs, the barrel has fallen less and ended up in the später. Poe doesn’t spoil that. 1824 stirred the first great Liebe nach einem Hirntumor in geistiger Umnachtung. If you are a beloved Stepmutter and your brother is dead.

“Literaturdictator and Gefallener Engel”

„Der Tod einer schönen Frau ist wahrlich the most poetic theme of the world“, wrote Poe später once. Sein anrührendes Poem “Annabel Lee” (1849) is a wonderful Siege dafür. But for myself, the kind would love and acknowledge the great reform. The 1836 heir was his first 13-year-old cousin Virginia. With his and her after the union Schwiegermutter “Muddy” it is first a focused family.

But they may live in bitter Armut. If you want to know more about the non-interested stages, you can read anstellungen at the Zeitschrifts, where you can find a bald weeder. There are things you can do when you are depressed. “Sein ganzes Leben mutet die een in permanenter Wechsel zwischen zwei Roen an: der des hebtgleichen Literaturdictators und der des gefallenen Engels”, writes the Anglist Hans-Dieter Gelfert in his biography “Edgar Allan Poe” (2008).

Haus von Edgar Allen Poe in Ravenswood on Long Island (New York), about 1900. Photo: Imago/The Print Collector/Heritage Images

Philadelphia and “Der Rabe”

Neben Aufenthalten in Baltimore and Fordham (from the best New Yorker Stadtteil Bronx) verbracht de autor sechs Jahre seines Lebens in Philadelphia. Here are autocolleagues with Charles Dickens and correspondence with Scribes and Lyricists with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and James Russell Lowell.

“The Raven and Other Poems” (Der Rabe und Andere Gedichte), 1845, German 1909: Die veld übersetzte Ballade gilded als Poes lyrisches Meisterwerk. Thats Photo: dpa/Johannes Schmitt-Tegge

In Philadelphia the Kurzgeschichte “Der Untergang des Hauses Usher” appears, in the verse Madeline from the Grab aufersteht, before the Living Room under Flammen ends. Auch ein Großteil seines Gedichts „The Raven“ , sein berühmtestes Werk, schrieb er in Philadelphia.

With the poem Verbuchte Poe 1845 seinen größten literarischen Erfolg. But in zwischen war seine Frau sick. Two years later, you will enjoy success. It is the following: Abstürze, Krankheit, a self-made choice and new courtesy of women.

Aber Edgar Allan Poe has a Kraft paper brand. Am in a Krankenhaus in Baltimore on October 7, 1849. If delirium awaits, it is only one more surprise: “I was able to see my arms.”

Info: Edgar Allan Poe – einige seinige berühmstromen Werke

“Tamerlane and Other Poems”
(Tamerlane and other poems), 1827: Der Gedichtband ist Poes erstes Buch. There is a self-mention and an anonymous herausal. Als Autor wird emptlich angegeben: “Von einem Bostoner (by a Bostonian)”.

“The Story of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket”
(Seltsame Seeabenteuer Arthur Gordon Pyms), 1838, deutsch 1883: Poes umfangreichstes Werk would heute als Vorläufer der Science-Fiction-Literatur gefeiert. Painted übernatürliche phenomenon geben der novelle een pseudo-wissenschaftlichen Anstrich.

“The first book of the conchyologist, or a system of testaceous malacology”
(1839): Das Schulbuch über Schnecken war Poes zu Lebzeiten ergolgreichstes Buch. There are no wars with the Verfasser, but it is not intended that the Lowering of the name will appear more Verkaufszahlen.

“The Fall of the House of Usher”
(Der Untergang des Hauses Usher), 1839, deutsch 1883: Die Erzählung erschien im „Gentlemen’s Magazine“ in Philadelphia, bij dem Poe zeitweise als Redakteur laborer. Paintings are interesting and other uncanny inheritances are poems that belong to the horror author.

“The Murders in the Rue Morgue”
(Der Doppelmord in der Rue Morgue), 1841, German 1853: Poe galt nach diesem Buch als «Erfinder» des Krimis. Since the Erzählung-kreierte is the most combined Pariser Detektiv Dupin, there are only two other Kurzgeschichten that are sollte.

“The Black Cat”
(Die Schwarze Katze), 1843, deutsch 1883: Die Erzählung ist ein Beispiel für seine unheimlichen Schauergeschichten, in den psychisch afuffällige Menschen hiflos in ihr Verderben laufen.

“The Raven and Other Poems”
(Der Rabe und Andere Gedichte), 1845, German 1909: Die veld übersetzte Ballade gilded als Poes lyrical Meisterwerk. The central motif is the enjoyment of happiness, which becomes haunted in the winter night.

The philosophy of composition“
(D„(Die Philosophie poetsischen Schaffens), 1846: Der scharfsinnige Essay ist als Beginn der Moderne Literaturtheorie anzusehen. In weiteren literaturkritischen Arbeiten entwirft Poe das Konzept der Moderne Kurzgeschichte.